Tank pics


<a href="http://communities.msn.com/Bobbys75GallonReef/may32002tankpics.msnw" target="_blank">http://communities.msn.com/Bobbys75GallonReef/may32002tankpics.msnw</a>
Here's a link to a few pics of my baby. I took more, I'll get them up later today.


Thanks, guys! I forgot to mention a HUGE thanks owed to everyone on this BB. From the sharks to the newbies, you have all helped to make this tank what it is today, so give yourselves a big pat on the back! I almost sold this tank 3 or four months into it(lost over 200 bucks worth of fish,cause I listened to the LFS before I went reef), but I'm soooo glad I didn't. I learned almost everything I know from reading this BB in a years time.


i have a 75gl also, with 220wat pc. how much of a change is there when you have the vho on. you have the exact setup(lights) almost, that I was going to upgrade to. how much did the vho cost and where did you get them form. I am also planning on adding two mh. not shure exact ratings yet.


O.K. Fishfreek, here goes: 100 lbs. Lr from various sources, including this site :D .
Soft corals: Green star polyps(these grow so fast I trade back pieces to the LFS for credit)
Pulsing zenia(getting ready to place rocks next to it so it can divide into four or five sections)
Brown button polyps
Purple/ blue mushrooms
LPS: Torch, Green pearl bubble, Green open brain, Flowerpot, Trumpet coral.
SPS: blue tip staghorn acropora, hydnophora.
orange gorgonian, some various hitchhiker corals and macroalgae that need to grow a little before I'll be able to identify them. Lots of small feather dusters and a couple of large ones. Lots of tubeworms,copepods, amphipods, small clams that came on LR, spaghetti worms, and probably lots of stuff I have yet to see.
25-30 assorted hermits
25-30 assorted snails
cleaner shrimp (his @$$ is gone as soon as I can catch it. It wont quit picking at my flowerpot coral)
false percula, dottyback, and a mandarin dragonette. I think that's it
<img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
coralfishg' the Vho Blue color is so much better than the pc blue. I highly reccomend it over the pc actinic. I upgraded from just the pc's about a month and a half ago. It was about 250 bucks total for the vho's, and well worth it. I bought them locally. Things are growing out of control since the upgrade :D
If you do upgrade, remember to slowly bring the lights back up to full time, or you'll have algae or cyano.