O.K. Fishfreek, here goes: 100 lbs. Lr from various sources, including this site
Soft corals: Green star polyps(these grow so fast I trade back pieces to the LFS for credit)
Pulsing zenia(getting ready to place rocks next to it so it can divide into four or five sections)
Brown button polyps
Purple/ blue mushrooms
LPS: Torch, Green pearl bubble, Green open brain, Flowerpot, Trumpet coral.
SPS: blue tip staghorn acropora, hydnophora.
orange gorgonian, some various hitchhiker corals and macroalgae that need to grow a little before I'll be able to identify them. Lots of small feather dusters and a couple of large ones. Lots of tubeworms,copepods, amphipods, small clams that came on LR, spaghetti worms, and probably lots of stuff I have yet to see.
25-30 assorted hermits
25-30 assorted snails
cleaner shrimp (his @$$ is gone as soon as I can catch it. It wont quit picking at my flowerpot coral)
false percula, dottyback, and a mandarin dragonette. I think that's it
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coralfishg' the Vho Blue color is so much better than the pc blue. I highly reccomend it over the pc actinic. I upgraded from just the pc's about a month and a half ago. It was about 250 bucks total for the vho's, and well worth it. I bought them locally. Things are growing out of control since the upgrade
If you do upgrade, remember to slowly bring the lights back up to full time, or you'll have algae or cyano.