tank pics


Sorry bout the quality... cheap camera. These are pics of my 125 aggressive. The damsles in the pics are the ones I couldn't catch to get out. 2 out of 3 of them have changed color... they seem to think they are Niger triggers. My lion was kinda shy... and no chance of getting the toad to come out. Lemme know what ya think
NICE !! how big is the picasso ?
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Picasso is close to 10 inches.... got him at a ridiculously low price (49 bucks mispriced) The lion is about as big as him, the niger is like 6-8 inches and I have a big nasty toad that looks like is a foot long when he comes out of his hole.


Active Member
Very nice! Keep up the great work! They have a toad similar to that at my lfs, but it's more of a peachy color. He is really cool. I'd love to add him to my 75, but my humu is very established. Bo


Active Member
How are those tangs doing in there? Any stress problems?
Nice tank, can't wait for my triggers to grow to some size.


From Day one the tangs have been great! (knock on wood). Everyone seems to keep to themselves... except at feeding time. I throw the lion a silverside, quickly followed up by one to the Huma, then the Niger then I can put in the frozen brine and mussel and such. I also put a rather large piece of dried algae in there for the tangs to keeps their color up. Haven't had any problems so far. In fact, I think my Niger is trying to school with them.... or they are trying to school with him, one of the two. I got them because I had a HUGE problem with algae. They have cleaned the tank up wonderfully. I think because the school the rest of the fish figure if they pick on one, they will all attack.. I dunno. Thank you very much for the compliments and once I get a better cam I hope to post some more....


Active Member
Step back and take a pic of the whole tank, please. I would love to see the whole thing. It looks amazing and you have some great specimens in there. Hope all goes well.:D


It's six feet long.... I can't get the whole thing in the pic without stepping out of the room... then the wall gets in the way. I'm sorry. Just had an outbreak of red slime too.. so things are not too pretty. I figured out what happened though. Damn timers weren't working... so the lights were on 24/7 for like 5 days. I finally got a night off... and saw they hadn't turned off. So, once its all clean again I'll post some more.