tank pics


yup. i know im doin wrong but i plan to go to a bigger tank sometime within the next year i guess because i went to college b 4 i could get it done. think i should take him back to the fish store? is it that bad on them?
ok u guys are also new at this like really new so just keeping a fish b/c u like it doesnt mean he likes it....yello tangs love to swim in LONG distances...the clowns are fine but the tang no:mad:


Active Member
look you can do what you like but to have a tang in a tank that small is no that smart of a thing to do i would take it back to your lfs. the people here will tell you to take it back or alot of them will.:mad: as for the tank it lookes realy great thanks for litting us see it.


IMO that was the right thing to do, thanks for taking everyone's advice even if you got some of these: :mad:
BTW Your tank looks good! :cool:
At first I thought that green coral in the back was actually in your tank though. I think a plain backgroud would look better.


i have really had my eye on a 55 gal long with a nice black stand...wouldnt the tang be good in that? you all know how easy it is to get attached to a fish. i will do a 75 if i have to

cool clown

I hate big companys that try to sell reef fish. ***** by my house has 4 yellow tangs in a 10 gallon tank.:mad: I thought about buying them to set them free in a bigger tank but they would just order more.


New Member
I think your tank looks very good. I agree on the background. Solid black would really bring everything out.
Small fish considerations: After the tang is returned.
-Purple Firefish
-Yellow Watchman Goby, actually any small goby
-Sixline Wrasse.
-Royal Gramma.
One of either of these will all go well with your pair of Clowns.
Keep up the good work.


yes plz return the tang dont be stupid like me. and by the way with my tang situation. i have been working on getting him out for 1 month now with no luck. but today i got a bigger net and i am goin to try to get him on sat. wish me luck