tank pics


nice tank and thanks for taking it back thats a noble thing to do. sometime I buy things that I thought I can handle but sometimes I can't helps to have a friends in the saltwater world that can house things for you until you can handle the organism.But on the other hand sometimes when you know its better off in your care than the LFS its like a two way street somethings." WE ALL NEED A LITTLE HELP FROM OUR FRIENDS" thanks BioReefer



Originally posted by fishman88
yes plz return the tang dont be stupid like me. and by the way with my tang situation. i have been working on getting him out for 1 month now with no luck. but today i got a bigger net and i am goin to try to get him on sat. wish me luck

I had to catch 3 tangs and them thing are a b

to catch. I had to take my whole tank apart to catch them. I found that a tank divider helps alot. Also 2 people with big nets. Good luck with your tank it looks good. AND for the people with the
:mad: grow up! how many mistakes have you made!


When I had to catch my tang I just nabbed him when he came up to the surface for food. I knew if I messed up, I wouldn't get another chance -so I didn't mess it up :cool:


While many people will :mad: at you and tell you how not to do it I think I want to give Bobio a thumbs up. Bobio gave different ideas on how to correct the mistake and still have a nice looking tank rather than :mad: ing at a person...
Thumbs Up to Bobio....:D


While many people will :mad: at you and tell you how not to do it I think I want to give Bobio a thumbs up. Bobio gave different ideas on how to correct the mistake and still have a nice looking tank rather than :mad: ing at a person...
Thumbs Up to Bobio....:D


thanks you guys a lot for all of the comments. the clowns are both false percs with a little difference in color. i am going home this weekend to correct my mistake. i might end up keeping him if everything goes to plan. i am going to get a 55 gal tank and hopefully have all of the pieces fall into place and it will be up and running by monday