tank pics


Active Member
today we kind of redid our tank. we got 30 more # of live rock a cleaner shrimp and a blood red fire shrimp. tank looks so much better now:D


Blondie that feather duster should come back. I had several that looked just like that all are thriving now. Tank looks great. Glad everything feel into place for you. I know oyu were having some trouble for a while...


Active Member
Spearfish. Lets see pics of your tank. You seem a little rough an your crit. of blondies tank.
Blondie, The tank looks good, keep up the good work, nicky


Active Member
tank looks great. Personally I think pictures belong where ever anyone wants to put them. I love looking at pictures! personally.
LR looks great too. Its fun to rearrange occaisionally, kinda like giving a house a good cleaning and then moving some furniture around. My husband is a LR fool. I have to pull him away from any new shipment at the LFS. We are going to be putting a new 40 gallon in the family room and he already has that LR look in his eyes.
Looks like the camera is working well too.
good looking tank blondie, love that blood shrimp and the purple coralline looks great..
I agree with love, I also like to look at pictures regardless of where they are posted.
Keep up the good work and congrats.


Lookin good Blondie. I remember your first pic. As far as the other guy that says he doesn't like over loaded LR. I say the more the better!


For sure more LR is better. Besides more LR creating better biological filtration, i think large amounts looks great. I dont know what spearfish was trying to prove with that post, but that is not that point of this message board.


Tank looks great - pay no attention to the cigar smoking, unemployed drunk troll. ;)
The feather duster should come back, I have more dusters on my rock now then I care to count, but when I first got the rocks all I could see was the tubes, very few were displaying their crowns.


Active Member
when you arent a newbie to the board than mabey you can post stuff like that. every forum here can have pics on it .