Originally Posted by
Very nice, how's the Copperband doing?? Is he/she eating well?? also, how's the cowfish eating??
I have had 2- cowfish over the years. 1 died during a tank swap, my fault, he was my favorite fish at the time. The other died because he never adjusted to eating prepared foods.
In both cases toxins were not released, at least not to the point of harming anything. IME it takes a lot to stress them to the point of releasing toxins... like a predator about to eat them... which we do not have in our systems. They do get big though!!
The copperband is doing awesome! When we first got him he didn't want to eat. I finally got him eatting frozen mysis shrimp. Now I feed that or frozen brine. All of the fish LOVE both of those foods. Thanks for the info about the cowfish. I was thinking that it would have to be REALLY stressed before he released anything.