Tank Pictures!!!


I like the rockwork. How long has your tank been set up?
You may want to reconsider those bleached corals. I used to have some in my tank but they collected too much algae and were hard to keep clean, even with a large cleaning crew.
Nice lemonpeel.


Tanks been set up for about 2 months now. Haven't had any problems with bleached coral so far. Thanks for the heads up though. The Lemonpeel is our new addition. We just got him today. He seems to be very happy.
Thanks again for the advice and the compliments!


Originally Posted by mag395
You may want to reconsider those bleached corals. I used to have some in my tank but they collected too much algae and were hard to keep clean, even with a large cleaning crew.
same happened to me. i highly recommend going with live rock instead. looks good, though.


well I think if you add the bleached corals after the cycle has completed and the tank is more stable, there will be less algae growth. I'm noticing now that I'm getting a lot less algae than before.


New Member
I agree about the bleached corals. I've had them for years and they are algae magnets. Yes they look really good when they're clean but LR is the way to go. My 225g is self-maintaining now w/ regular water changes of course.
Very nice tank btw


Active Member
Your fish look beautiful! Thank you for sharing these pics with us, and please keep us updated on how your tank progresses.


Active Member
I have heard of people running the corals through the dishwasher with no soap to clean them. Never tried this myself but I did read it on here. Tank looks great BTW


As for the lemonpeel, we just got him a couple days ago. I've read that they are a moderate care level but Bob Fenner (author of The Consciencious Aquarists) has them lumped in with the coral beauty angels. I think as long as you can find one that's eating prepared food at the lfs, you'll probably be ok.
As for the corals, I've read numerous times on this site that you can soak them in bleach water as long as you make sure you rinse and rinse and rinse. Then let them dry (in the sun prefferably) and if you smell bleach you should repeat the process again. You may want to add some prime or other ammonia remover to the water and soak it after the bleach bath also.
The lights are Coralife PC's 2 65 watt 10000k's and 2 65 watt actinics with the 4 blue moon lights all built into the fixture.
Thanks for the compliments!


Active Member
Hooktonfish...I don't know why I didn't see this thread before. Very nice tank and you are taking great pics...what camera do you use? I absolutely love your puffer...can I have him?????
Oh by the way I have some bleached coral in my tank too, not alot just a couple of pieces, they haven't been a problem yet...but I also run a uv 24-7...