Tank Plan


I have a 36 gallon tank with a 6 gallon fuge, full of sand adn macro algae. In my main tank i have 35 pounds of live rock and 25 pounds of live sand. I currently have an Atlantic Pygmy Angel, and a Tomato Clown accompanied with a small long tentacle anenome. I have a beautiful piece of gonapora and a few colonies of pulsating xenia. I also have a cleaner shrimp. I plan to get a Mimic Tang and a Sixline Wrasse, and a large piece of the most beautiful brain coral I've ever seen. Would this be ok.


Yeah the tang isn't going to work out too well...but the wrasse should be fine. My pygmy angel, sixline, and clown all get along fine. You might consider a strawberry pseudochromis - they'll some more color to the tank.


Why cant i keep a mimic tang in my tank. They stay small, and it has been living in a tank smaller than mine for weeks and it is completely healthy.
Thanks for the positive reinforcement on the other fish though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mdog30001
Why cant i keep a mimic tang in my tank. They stay small, and it has been living in a tank smaller than mine for weeks and it is completely healthy.
Thanks for the positive reinforcement on the other fish though.
Tangs are one of the most misunderstood species by many hobbyists. THey require swimming space that your set-up cannot provide long-term. As they mature they will feel cramped in a small cube, stress and die. A few weeks yes if a small juvenile...few month or years..NO