Tank plans: Your thoughts?


New Member
Will be my 1st SW tank (primarily reef).
I've got the 55 gal set up (48x13x20), not drilled.
Would appreciate your advice before I buy the rest of my equipment.
Here are my plans:
- Aqua C Remora Pro Protein Skimmer with Mag 3 Pump
(should I buy the Surface Prefilter Box?)
- Current USA 48", 4X65W (2) 65w Dual Daylight and (2) 65w Dual Actinic
Is the ORBIT EXTREME 48", 2X130W just as good or better?
- 50lbs live rock
- 40 or 60lbs live sand
- RO/DI: Still not sure what to buy here
Thanks for your advice,



Hi Mark. I think it all sounds good so far but I would start on mh lights instead becasue you'll end up switching them out in just a few months. I bought my 4x55's a few months ago and purchasing my mh's this week. They make a huge difference. I would also see about picking up some kent liquid calcium to help your live rock with the coraline faster. I did'nt know anything about all that in the beginning, and did it ever make a difference. Also I didnt know either that you should set your rock before the sand. It helps stability. Good Luck! :jumping:


Active Member
If you want to keep reef, you will need 20x-30x water turnover.
So you will need roughly 1000-1500gph in there!
Your skimmer will get you about 200gph (best hob skimmer out there btw)...Only 800Gph to go!! lol
You might want to think about a HOB overflow to a sump below... Get the Aqau C Urcin (in sump skimmer) and a nice big Pump to a spray bar and you'll be able to acheive a better GPH without tons of things hanging off the back of your tank.


New Member
Thanks for the tips
Does the AquaC Urchin sump style protein skimmer prevent the flooding that can occur with normal HOB types or do you have to have a drilled tank to get that security?
Would I just use a 10 or 20 gal aquarium in my cabinet that would hold the skimmer or would I need one of those specialty sumps that have 2 or 3 chambers?


Active Member
If you get a nice CPR U overflow w/aqualifter pump, that can do 1500gph down to your sump below.
The urchin will sit in the sump and only use water that is in the sump...Meaning it's circulating water that is down there not adding or removing any so no worries about overflowing...The HOB overflow and return pump will be changin the water.
The HOB Overflow should be adjusted so that if power goes out it won't overflow. that is easy.