Tank Prices?

chris r.

Should I pay an extra $104 to get an Oceanic or just get a Perfecto?
What are the advantages of the more expensive aqaurium?


That's a good question. Wish I knew why everyone was so enamored with Oceanic. I find it hard to believe that they are that much better than everyone else. They use the same glass, make the same types of seals and bonds. I would love to tour their plant and the plant of other companies to see exactly why they think their tanks are twice as good as everyone elses. Maybe someone on this board has done that already. I really would like to know. But I don't want a sales pitch.
I wouldn't get a Perfecto though. The openings they use are not standard, off by about 1/4". I like my All-Glass tank, and wish I would not have bought my perfecto. Trying to find covers for it and the like is a pain.
See if you can find an All-Glass one. They are about the same price as Perfecto and finding parts for it is much easier. Just my opinion.


on thing which i'm sure you noticed other wise this wouldn't be an issue.. is that the oceanic tanks are good, beautiful tanks.. .. i personally have a 125 perfecto aquarium.. it's never leaked and it looks great.. it's really all up to whether or not you have the extra hundred dollars to throw around to get the higher priced tank.. if you want it buy it if you don't want to spend that much money don't buy it..

tru conch

Active Member
correct me if i am wrong, but isnt it standard for all oceanic tanks to come pre-drilled these days? i dont know if the perfectos are, and if they arent then that could be part of the price difference. thats just my .02.

richard rendos

Active Member
Only Oceanic Reef Ready tanks come predrilled. Not all Oceanics come drilled. But then again all All-Glass reef ready's and Perfecto reef ready's come predrilled too. You can still order any of those companies' tanks without holes drilled in them.

tru conch

Active Member
thanx richard. now that i am awake and think of it, i have seen some all glass tanks predrilled. of course only the larger tanks though. (55 + gal or some of the corner tanks) i wonder why smaller tanks (20, 29, 37, 45) arent predrilled? glass too thin or just not economical?


Check glass thickness. I have seen two 120 gallon tanks side by side one perfecto and one oceanic and the oceanic had thicker glass but also I have seen the perfecto in a 120 gallon with the thicker glass also. Just a thought. ;)