Tank problems


New Member
I need some help please. I set up a 75g about 3 months ago everything was going great started getting some fish and a few corals after about a month. They were all doing great,, finally my yellow tang and my two clowns got ich and one of the clowns died the day after i saw the first white spots. I don't think the ich killed it that fast did it? Also, i have a green zoo that closed up about 4 days ago and still has not opened back up it still appears to be alive but never opens up. All my tank parameters are good nitrates could be lower but they are well within limits, just did a water change 2 weeks ago. any ideas on what is going on.
help greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Something other than ich is going on. Your correct that fish don't die that fast from ich.
When the coral looks all closed up there is a reason. What else is in the tank, and are you running a skimmer?


Active Member
can you post your params? have you dosed the tank with anything? what lights are you running? can you list your tanks equipment?


New Member
sorry i do not have my params because i got it tested at the lfs dont have my own kit. I have a 75 gallon tank with a skimmer that is good up to 125 with 240 total watt t5 lights. also have a sump on it. the weird thing is my torch coral and my anemone are doing great and so is my purple mushroom.


New Member
oh and sorry the only thing i have been dosing it with is purple up. i feed them pellet food with brine shrimp and i give my tang seaweed in the clip.
i dont know if this is the answer to your problem but heres a shot. I also had this same problem in my tank at first. A couple of things I did was one-stop putting anymore corals or fish in the tank, two-try to feed the tang only what it will eat in a hour or so with the seeweed salad, this seeweed if left too long in the tank will contaminate the water, three- get a sterilizer to kill any bacteria in tank and this may not be much of the problem but you should have at least 3-5 watts per gallon meaning you should have at least 225-375watts running on them for about twelve hours a day. like I said before I dont know if this will solve your problem but it put me in the right direction. Also you should get your own test kit so you can check levels whenever needed.