Tank Propogated Tulip Anemone

bang guy

These colorful anemone require either Bright light (VHO, PC, etc.) or supplemental feeding with meaty food. They are currently 3/4" across the oral disk and reach a maximum size of 1.5". $10 plus shipping each.
If you are interested or want more information send an e-mail to guynwarsaw@yahoo.com


Those are nice. I have a few question. How were they propogated? Did they just divide themselves and if so how often? They are not like aptasia is what i'm asking. If i were to get one i would also be worried that my peppermint shrimp would chow down on it.

bang guy


Originally posted by Fishfood
Those are nice. I have a few question. How were they propogated? Did they just divide themselves and if so how often? They are not like aptasia is what i'm asking. If i were to get one i would also be worried that my peppermint shrimp would chow down on it.

They split exactly like Bubbletips do. If I feed them a lot I can get them to split every few months. Mine are in a tank with 4 Peppermint Shrimp ;) Once in a while a Peppermint will steal food from one but it doesn't hurt the Anemone.

bang guy


Originally posted by sterling
Can they go in a tank with corals? And would my maroon clown be happy with one?

They are fine with Corals in my experience.
Your Maroon would not be happy with an inch-and-a-half Anemone.

bang guy

Sterling - There's only 4 left as of this morning and they are going quick. ;) E-mail your address to me at the above e-mail address.


New Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Sterling - There's only 4 left as of this morning and they are going quick. ;) E-mail your address to me at the above e-mail address.

is there any left