Tank questions


Hey guys,
I want to know how many fishes I can add to my tank:
Tank: 29gal
Selinity: 1.025
pH: 8.2
1.5 months old
1) Yellow Tang
2) Maroon Clown Fish
3) Reg Clown Fish
4) BiColor
1) 4 Snails
2) 1 Skunk Shrimp
1) red Mushroom
2) Star polyps
3) green polyps
4) brown polyps
5) Xenia
6) Longtentacle anemone
I want to add 2 blue chromis, will this be possible?


Active Member
I hope you don't have those fish in a 29 gallon! No more than 3 or 4 SMALL fish in a 29.... And definitely no anemone at this point. :D


Hello Bigarm,
The anemone is not the one you think. This one cost 12 00dollars and does not require high lighting. These anomone are the low lever anomones.
I will not put any more fishes. I will continue adding corels. Thanks for the input.


Ok great.
Also one more thing, it seems asthough the maroon clown fish is acting a bit aggresive towards the reg clown fish. Is this normal? Also, he's also attempting to be bold and stepping upto the Tang. This is kind of weird since the tang is twice his size. Should i be worried?


Active Member
Maroon clownfish are very aggresive. The maroon will pick on the perc till it is dead, and may even kill the tang. I would advise you to take the tang back (they need lots of room to swim, otherwise they will become stressed and die). You may want to also take the maroon back. You could get another perc so you would have a pair, or look into blennies, gobies, firefish are really cool...


Active Member
i agree with ross. its not good to mix different species of clownfish. maroon fish are very aggressive as stated above. so what i would do is trade the tang and maroon back in an get another reg. clown and pair it up with the one youve got. then you could probably get the chromis. also you might want to get some more crabs and snails for your tank. good luck. hope this helps.


Active Member
yeah but its pushing it though. i have had my yellow tang in my 55 for about a year and a half and he seems to be doing fine.


Active Member
If he were to add a second perc, would it get picked on by the first one? Should he get a different sized one to help with the --- changing of one into a female?


Active Member
I have heard if there young get the same size and they will grow to a pair but if you already have one get a small one and it should change into what ever you may need. I think "it should change into what ever you may need" is right. Or do they all start as male and change to female. Better wait for another reply or research.


Active Member
From what I've read, they all start male. But I suppose you could buy one that is already a female in the LFS's tank if you got lucky. :D