Tank Raised Clowns and Anemones??Will they pair up ??

After doing the last part of clean up after my Cyno outbreak I forgot to replace glass on top of tank. :( :( I noticed Tomato Clown dead on floor behind tank :eek: I replaced him (had to it was daughters favorite) with tank raised Tomato and my question is will it take to the Bubble tipped anemone that my old Clown did?? Any replies are welcomed. :confused:


as with any clown species it is not guarenteed they will take an anemonie as a host. i have heard that tank raised may not take as easy as wild cought although i dont know personally either way.


Active Member
have seen tank raised take to soft corals and anemones in other tanks, don't know 100% for sure from experience, for we have no clowns


Only time will tell, fish do the darndest things........


I've wondered about the new tank raised maroon that I'm going to get! My perc. (supposed to be tank raised) have with no trouble. It took about 3 weeks, but they love my torch and soft leather. Good luck!


It shouldn't be a problem... actually the tank raised take to anemones easier. I have a pair of percula in a caribean pink tip.
I also have a pair of saddle in a common caribean... the purple type.
Thanks everyone, I was just worried cause my Anemone would often shrivle (?sp) up and my old Tomato would wiggle around in it until it filled out again. Since my 1st clown died my Anemone has moved to a different spot in tank (natrually where he cant really be seen)
so I was just kinda of worried about it. Thanks again for all the replies ;)