Tank READY!!!


Temp. 77
Ammonia- 0
But my tank is a little cloudy, what should I do?
Looks like I'm ready for a clean up crew and first fish.
What do ya think?


Active Member
Temp is a little low for my taste. Cloudy? What type of filtration? And how much filtration?


I Would Not Add A Cleanup Crew Yet And Would Suggest Waiting For The Cloudiness To Clear. It Could Be Residue From Your Sand Or Cc Whichever You Used. It Will Settle, But You Can Attack A Pre-filter To A Power Head Very Inexpensively And Polish That Water Up.
Once The Water Is Clear, Add Your First-most Peaceful-fish On Your Purchase List. ? No Algae-dont Add Algae Eating Snails Or Critters. ? No Detritus-dont Add Livestock That Cleans It Up-get The Picture? Go Slow, One Purchase At A Time, Then Wait Till It Is Settled And Thriving Before Adding Another. This Is The Safest Way To Go In A New Tank.
What Did You Cycle With?


Oops! Forgot-i Agree-increase Your Temp A Little To At Least 78. Mine Stays On 80 All The Time To Avoid Fluctuations As That Is What Our Summer Thermostat Is Set On.


OK, Great. Did you clean out the pieces as it deterierated? If not, then some of your cloudiness may be due to that. I would still suggest cleaning up the water with a pre-filter, increasing your temperature to a minimum of 78 and only addint one fish for starters-just in case there is a problem, plus it gives your tank a chance to re-cycle itself safely with just adding minimal bioload at a time.
Do you have any powerheads in your tank? If so, get the pre-filter, made by aqua clear, i believe. It comes with one pad inside and in a matter of hours, it will clean up that cloudiness if it is due to residue or leftover gunk. I use them at every water change to polish up the water-but they do get clogged fast, so need frequent changes if you want to use them on a continuous bases.


I have one power head with a prefilter on it, the cloudiness was due to the cc i put in, i had to clean up my sump cause it settled in the sump, so I cleaned out most of it but it's still cloudy, it's so fine that it went through my wet/dry and ended up in my sump, I saw a little bit was still in the sump so i'll clean it out again, is there any meds that i can use that might help


Not that I know of. It is just very fine residu floating around in your water that needs clearing out. It will settle on its own eventually, but it is better to clean it out now.
You have a couple of options-using the pre-filter, changing the pads as they get clogged
-using a diatom filter
-just ditching the water you have. Consider this your gravel washing water, clean it up really good till water runs clear, then refill your tank with new saltwater again.
If it was me, which it has been in the past, I would do a pretty good water change, not all of it, then run my powerhead with the filter pads and change them every few hours till the water is clear. I do have a diatom filter that I use periodically, but usually just when company is coming and i want the tank to sparkle.