Tank recommendation please


I am looking to setup a new tank.
I want the following fish:
Zebra eel
Panther grouper
Humu trigger
Powder blue tang
possibly an angel
I am debating between a 6 foot, 7 foot and 8 foot tanks.
What length, depth and height would you recommend?
I was thinking 72X24X30 Glass, does that sound right?
I was planning on a W/T for 300 Gallons with a built in skimmer.
Any suggestions before I start setting up?
Thanks in advance.


300 gallons sounds great, if u can shell out the money with a built in system. Talk to Falconred about some good filtration though, hes got the stuff ;)
Just my advice, watch out with the lion and the batfish. The lion may get nipped by the trigger, and batfish are kinda tough to take care of. As for where to get the tank FROM.... talk to falconred, lol.


Those compatbility charts arent very good guidelines to follow. Ask people on the board who know from EXPERIENCE what fish will work with what. The charts...just ways to get people to spend money. ITs all about money with pet businesses. This kid though, he actually said something RIGHT for a change. You should always get the largest tank possible. I wouldnt listen to this kid though, he has no idea wat hes talking about.


I was planning on putting in about 75 pounds of rock, florida crushed coral and live sand.
I am leaning towards an 8'X2'x2' tank right now.
What kind of filtration would you use?
I was thinking about a monster W/T, a monster skimmer and a UV sterlizer.
Would you run one smaller W/T and one refugium?
Any suggestions there?
I'd rather setup right the first time, thats why I am asking all these questions.


Liontamer, dont take this as a threat but you are just making me so mad its making me think about joining another site.:mad: I am just telling what I have reaserhed and just beacause only you say it, how do I know you are correct? Just saying.


Active Member

Originally posted by Liontamer
Those compatbility charts arent very good guidelines to follow. Ask people on the board who know from EXPERIENCE what fish will work with what.
This kid though, he actually said something RIGHT for a change.
I wouldnt listen to this kid though, he has no idea wat hes talking about.

I'm a new member to this site but by no means a new hobbyist. I perused this site for a few months before signing on and I noticed something kind of disheartening, and that is the arrogance and all knowing attitude of so many young and obviously inexperienced hobbyists. Liontamer, you really do a disservice to the people you try to "help." You are condescending and rude, to the point of being ignorant. I also notice you frequently tell people to email you so you can give them that personal one to one advice. Hell, if you can't give it here, what makes people want to seek you out privately? I've seen some pretty marginal advice come from you as well, and I had to laugh when you corrected me the other day in one of my first posts here. Given that you are a busboy, you're probably all of 15 or 16 years old, and I'm sure a seasoned
hobbyist:rolleyes: It's interesting how the really experienced folks are more patient and understanding rather than coming across like know it alls. Maybe get over yourself a bit and not be so snotty. I've been at this hobby since you had training wheels on your bike, but I also haven't forgotten what it's like to be new and make mistakes. You just make fewer of them as you go along. So be helpful or keep your comments to yourself. It's really out of place in this hobby.


I can be rude, but those charts still arent the greatest things to go by. As for my comment to u, i just checked which one that was and...do u really think its a great idea to have a bird wrasse, a trigger and an eel all in a 55 gallon with one chunk of liverock and a hang on filter? I tell people to e-mail me cuz I cant explain setting up a new tank in one sitting. I try over time, and i actually do help people, dont single me out. Ive been going on a tangent with this kid cuz he wont listen, ive tried to help him out. I was in his position and lost a good edal of fish cuz i didnt do that right thing, i just dunped fish in my tank. Setting up a safe, stable saltwater fish tank (which you must know through yer years in the hobby) is a tough thing to do, and it takes some time and effort to do. I can probably guarantee that he didnt cycel his tank, cuz there is nothing in his tank to cycle from. He has one chunk of live rock. I try to help like i said, but i get mad when people just ignore it and go ahead and keep digging deeper holes for themselves, and get even angrier when they go and give incorrect advice to people on the board, like touching a puffer fish will get you killed (which isnt true) And wat on earht is condescending? I have no idea wat that means, but since your "older" than me, you can obviously use wors like these on me cuz i dont know anything. I gues i NEVER research anything on the internet, I haven't been in this hobby for 5 years (yea, big deal right, that its not at least 10 years) and o, since im 16 no one should take me seriously. Thats the way adults look at people. I could just as easily be yer age and still act the way i do. In the end though, i am trying to help, my attitude can be a bit annoying, but i just dont want to see people fail. People who fail learn from thier mistakes (sometimes) but those who dont fail, with a little help from people :)rolleyes: ) will not have to go through the agony of failure. Now, im sorry for being rude to u, its in my nature, accept my apology, read this little post and be on yer way.


Heres some good advice. Yer tank is perfectly adept for handling a trigger, the only problem is the compatibility of a trigger with other fish, so they are best left in a sepcies only setup, maybe with eels, but never with slow/smaller fish, no sharks, no rays, no lions (or bats) they are just naturally...nasty, especially the clowns. A humu will be fine, but after a while it too can become monstrous and decide to go on a killing spree. If you didnt get the trigger, id say you can put all of those fish in that tank. Wat are yer ideas with filtration?


There have been way to many conversations like this in the aggressive forum in the last few months, even when we got rid of lionfish12.
There is no reason to answer a post if you don't care for the poster, unless they intend to give false information or harm to someone elses tanks.
Let it go. .


Staff member
And advertising yourself by asking people to email you personnally is not considered appropriate here.


Ok, I decided to purchase a 96"X24"X24" glass tank.
I will be running a 300 gallon W/D, a monster skimmer and a UV sterilizer.
My plan is to introduce the "tamer" species first and only one at a time, really take my time with it.
I will see how they all get along and then maybe add the trigger last.
Thanks for the help guys.


Get the smallest trigger you can(barring big enough not to get eaten by the grouper). I have noticed that some fish fail to realize they are bigger than their neighbors when they start small. I had a lion do that for a long time, then switched tanks, then awhile later switched back and his previous tankmate he got along so well with before was dinner. I do agree with whoever said it, but the batfish and the trigger should not go together. Thats like putting a very nervous, feminine guy in the middle of a biker bar.