Tank reqs for a Powder Brown Tang

What is the minimum tank requirements for a Powder Brown Tang? This site says 75 , and I have seen other places online say anythig from 50-90. Thoughts?
I think they are just stunning fish. Anyone have one?
i dont know about if they need more than a hippo. a rule of thumb is at least six feet long. This fish also stress's very easily so be shure to fulfil all its requirments.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Golgi Aparatus
Wow...those are large tanks. Do you think they require larger tanks than a blue hippo tang?
Nope they both require a 6ft tank as well optimally ( hippo will get several inches larger than a PB and having owned both together the hippo tang is quicker, more active and if anything more demanding of real estate than the PB). Bristle tooth (Ctenocheatus) tangs are best suited for sub 6ft tanks followed by Zebrosoma (although all of them get to big for anything less as well).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Golgi Aparatus
Wow...those are large tanks. Do you think they require larger tanks than a blue hippo tang?
Agreed with the other post, Hippo's actually need more space, 180gal would be my opinion for a minimum permanent
home for a Hippo.


Personally I think the 6' tank rule is taking it to the extreme. But that's just me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
Personally I think the 6' tank rule is taking it to the extreme. But that's just me.
i think a 6 foot tank is much better than a 4 foot tank for a fish that gets to be around 12 inches and likes to swim and graze all day back and forth.. as long as the depth is decent too though
*however i do not think a min permanent home for them is a 150 plus i would say 100 gal or so is ok as long as there are no other tangs
Well it concerns me to hear all of this. I guess I knew that I would open up a can of worms when I mentioned a tang. What concerns me is that my LFS that I find to be the most trustworthy in town told me that my 75 gallon would be OK for the Powder Brown, but not a Powder Blue.
Aside from the tank size issue, I'm a bit concerned with the browns being soo fragile. This disappoints me because the reason I wanted to move to a 75 from a 55 was so that I could obviously have more corals and primarily so that I could house some fish species that I could not with the limitations of a 55g.
I really like the tang family, so what are my best bets as far as Tangs are concerned in my 75 mixed reef?
Any suggestions?
And thanks for all of the responses thus far.
most bristletooth tangs, like the kole can work in a 75. dont trust the requirements that any fish store says. remember, their purpose is to sell you stuff, so they will tell you what you want to hear to make a sale. i have seen online stores thats minimum tank size for a purple tang was 20 gallons.