Tank Size And Fish!?!?!?!?


OK, I may be a SWF BB junkie, but even I don't read posts at 4:56am on Sunday! Don't forget time zones, and give folks a few days to get back to you!
As Godzilla says, Size Matters. You should search and read posts on the number of inches of fish per gallon- more opinions and information than you can imagine.
The brief summary- 1 tot 2 inches of fish per 5 gallons is the basic rule of thumb. Now, more smaller, less active fish will de better than one or two large, active swimmers. Bottom line is your Tang will eventually outgrow your tank- even if we was your only fish, they need more swimming room than a 60 will provide.


Active Member
With tangs it's more about swimming space. They need lots. I figure your tank is 48 inches long. When you add L/R, L/S, that does not leave allot of space. He will outgrow it and since I don't really believe in putting fish in tanks which you know will have to be moved, I would suggest get a bigger tank or a different fish. Good luck.

the claw

Active Member
ditto on tank too small. We all need an excuse to buy a bigger tank. I'd buy the fish and put it in the small tank, and then in six months tell your mate you need a bigger tank. Of course it helps if you are rich or have lots of credit.