Tank size and price


New Member
Just a quick question I have decided to purchase my first tank and I want to find an Oceanic Bowfront 175 gallon. Okay had to edit this post I have seen them for 904.00 to 1100 is this correct. I work with a friends 30 gallon who is Iraq and now I want to start my own so I figured I would go big. Any advice?


welcome to the board!
there are many different vendors and options that a tank cant reach a high cost. it also depends on weither the tank is predrilled for reef ready or just a standard tank now it also depends on if there is a stand and canopy and if it has lights already or a sump or refugium.
you can probably get a different price quote from different resalers or even look in the local papers and find a great deal on a large tank.


New Member
I would like it to be reef ready I dont need the stand or a canopy. Both of those will be made by a friend. So its just a basic tank price. Ill add lights and refugium later. The stand and canopy will be built by a friend. Hes great with wood. so hope this clears everything up a bit