Tank size & fish compaitibility


Hi. My name is Anita & I live in southern CA. My family & I were looking to get started with a saltwater aquarium. I have a few questions.
1. We're thinking of the 40-50 gallon size, is that good for a first time?
2. We visited a few local aquariums stores, 2 of them said that you could mix starfish with rays (Cortez Round Ray) & after selecting these 2 species, you have to be carfeul because this ray is very gentle/peaceful & can get picked on by other fish. On a website I found, it said that rays can feed on motile invertebrates (starfish) & sessile invebrates (corals, rocks). And it also says that starfish also eat sessile invebrates, but both stores said that you need some coral/ rocks for starfish. Can anyone clarify? Can I keep the Cortez Round Ray & a starfish in a 40-50g tank?


1st, Anita Welcome to the board. 2nd, It is against the rules to post competitors web sites on here..... I can't help with the other questions thou. sorry.. just edit it and delete it


Oh no, I didn't know, am I going to get kicked off the board? How do I delete it? By the way, the website I posted doesn't sell fish, supplies, anything. That's the only info on the site.


Welcome :jumping:
1)Yes it is a good size..when i started i started with a 29 and it was easy to tak care of
2) The ray will probably not eat the star if it is fed reguraly. I have a cc star with 4 snowflakes and it is doing ok but i have to feed the snowflakes because they are known to eat starfish and other invertebrates. Rays will actually do better with little rock as they like to borrow in the sand (im not sure about the corals, sorry). You can keep them for a short time as the ray will outgrow the tank this size rather quickly. If the ray is fed, then you will most likely be able to keep these 2 together.


I was thinking of part rock & part or mostly sand...because starfish need the rock & rays need the sand, right? So this particular ray will outgrow a 40-50g tank? See, it's a good thing I found this site because the stores I went to today said that it wouldn't outgrow its tank. And, I can't find any websites on this particular ray, again the Cortez Round Ray. I really like rays, but can't get the big tank needed for a blue spotted ray, these seem a lot smaller. By the way, what is a cc star?


My star mostly sits on the glass and it doesnt like the rock...never listen to the fish stores they give bad advice/info


if you go to wwm (wet web media)...they have good information on almost all fishes ... its also a great place to learn.


Active Member
I just read about rays last night, they need at least a 120 gallons inorder to do well, they're very hard to keep. Some of them would grow up to three feet or larger. They've very delicate and I wouldn't start with rays until you get some more experience. Why don't you start with something like a Green Chromis or a Clown fish. They're easier and hardier for a novice. They'll do well in a small tank. :happyfish


Thanks. I am getting so frustrated because everything the fish stores told me is turning out to be completely false...my ?s on cycling, tank size & fish compatibility. I really like the look of a mixed tank; you know part live rock, part sand, it seems to look more natural. One of my reasons for wanting a saltwater aquarium is because I recently saw the movie Finding Nemo. I like a lot of the fish in that tank, is that a realistic tank setup, I think there was a starfish, clownfish, puffer, and some others.


there was a clown a puffer, moorish idol, star, royal gramma, damsel, yellow tangand a french cleaner shrimp


Can you actually have that combination? I'm also thinking about an eel, would it fit into that setup?


no the combination wouldnt work as the clown, gramma, damsel and probably the cleaner would get eaten by the puffer. Thats mixing agressive with community peaceful fish...it wouldn't work. You can probaby get away with a toby (like valentini), a yellow tang, a moray 3ft. and under (like snowflake, goldentail...you could also do a ribbon but they die very fast and are about 40" but as thick as a magic marker...ect.)...You might be able to get a smaller lion (maybe antennata or the dwarfs- the toby would nip at its fin so either the lion or toby- u choose).



Ok, but didn't you say you have have 4 snowflake eels plus a starfish? What other fish do you have in that set up?


Active Member
Moorish Idol is extremely hard to take care of. Not a beginner's fish, plus it likes to have room to roam. Stars needs lots of rock work otherwise they'll starve to death, that's what I heard anyway. Like the previous post said, the puffer would eat the smaller fish. The Yellow Tang will eventually need a larger tank to live in, they'll grow fast. More research is my advice!!!

sinner's girl

my book says the bluespotted rays needs min of 260gl.
Stars needs lots of rock work otherwise they'll stare to death.
umm...some maybe, but cc don't. and you can spot feed serpents and brittles. I've had my serpent since before I had lots of lr. Just started with some (enough for him to have a place to hide in though, but not tons).
My books says min of 75gl for yellow tangs. But I've been told by others they need bigger.
(my book=Marine Fishes, by Scott Michael-a great book to know what size tank for a fish, what they eat, ect.)
I recently saw the movie Finding Nemo. I like a lot of the fish in that tank, is that a realistic tank setup, I think there was a starfish, clownfish, puffer, and some others.
YOu can't have those fish in that size of a tank. I hate that movie for that reason. That movie is the reason I quit this site for a long time. Too many people wanting a nemo and not really careing about learning.