Tank size & fish compaitibility


So, I went to the store it's really nice, they sell tank for a lot less than other stores. One thing I saw that was curious about was they put in what looked like a porcupine puffer with a gold/maroon clownfish--nothing else. The puffer was probably 3-4inches & the clownfish probably around 3inches. The puffer wasn't chasing, or trying to eat it. Also, I was looking at tangs, the blue hippo & on this site it says they are: easy, peaceful, yes(reef safe)-they eat algae all-day long.
The store I went to last night...they actually knew about this site. He suggested a tang for my tank...& I said a lot of people on this have told me that tangs need a huge tank size & can sometimes take over your tank. He said that was true for some species of tang, but the blue hippo is very peaceful & likes to hide in rockwork, & likes being around other fish. He said that if I was going to get a different tang, I'd need more room for swimming & maybe less lr. I know they get 5-6 inches, but that would just mean I'd have to limit the number of fish I put in(which he suggested), right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anita
So, I went to the store it's really nice, they sell tank for a lot less than other stores. One thing I saw that was curious about was they put in what looked like a porcupine puffer with a gold/maroon clownfish--nothing else. The puffer was probably 3-4inches & the clownfish probably around 3inches. The puffer wasn't chasing, or trying to eat it. Also, I was looking at tangs, the blue hippo & on this site it says they are: easy, peaceful, yes(reef safe)-they eat algae all-day long.
The store I went to last night...they actually knew about this site. He suggested a tang for my tank...& I said a lot of people on this have told me that tangs need a huge tank size & can sometimes take over your tank. He said that was true for some species of tang, but the blue hippo is very peaceful & likes to hide in rockwork, & likes being around other fish. He said that if I was going to get a different tang, I'd need more room for swimming & maybe less lr. I know they get 5-6 inches, but that would just mean I'd have to limit the number of fish I put in(which he suggested), right?
I wouldn't trust them with the Blue Hippo Tang, they're harder to take care of then most tangs. They're just trying to sell it to you. They're also ich maganets. Even my LFS would tell you the samething about the hippos are not as easy to take care of then most tangs. They stress out easily too since they don't like to be rejected by other fish. They need hiding space, good water quality. NOT a beginner's fish. They're pricey too....


Yeppers, mikey's right. The LFS is just trying to make a sale. Don't listen to them. The blue hippos acutally need more swim room than most other tangs! you should just get your mind off of tangs until you can get a 150 gallon tank. Blue hippos get bigger than 5-6 inches too... The problem with tangs is not the agressiveness, but it's their hardiness and need for a larger tank that generally causes people to get other fish.
As for the porcupine with the clownfish, puffers are generally peaceful when they're young, but as they get older they get more boisterous, as is true with most aggressive species. That's why the baby puffer wasn't chasing the clownfish. If that was a grown puffer, however, i know that the LFS would never put him in with the clown. Puffers need a big tank as well, as they get about 18".


Active Member
Also one thing Anita, I guess you didn't see the NG sign by the blue hippo on this site did you? It means Not Guaranteed!!! If you get'em and they die within a day, it's your loss. I know there isn't a whole lot of choice for nice pretty fish in smaller groups. But since you only have about 50-60 gallon tank and your not able to upgrade, it's just something you have to put up with. You can get clowns, chromis, goby, fire fish, etc. They're nice and pretty fish and it's just something you can start with until you can upgrade down the road. Looking at our budget tonight, we won't be able to upgrade at all until next summer. But at least all of our bills will be paid off by June. Thousands of dollars of bills....What a bummer!!! Won't be able to upgrade my tank until July or August.
I hope someone would give me one or something...


OOOHHH yeah, firefish are awesome!!! I wanted one really bad, but i went with a wrasse instead. You could also get a small wrasse, like a fairy wrasse. They're very brightly colored and have great personalities. They're shy at first, but after they learn you're the food-bearer, they'll be out all of the time for you! I just got one a few days ago! He's beautiful!