Tank size for horses


Thinking about getting a couple of horses........
I would like to get a 15 gallon tank....is this ok, or can I have a 12 gal??
Just want to have a tank that is adequate for them.
Didnt know how small I could go before it wouldnt work.
My lsf has H erectus, and I saw a couple in there i wanted!


Active Member
i think you'd might want to get something like a 45, or maybe even a 55, not real sure though, i know next to nothing about horses LOL


Active Member
hey jen, doesnt a clown tank need to be taller than normal? like, dont try an put em in say a 20 long, since its so short?


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
hey jen, doesnt a clown tank need to be taller than normal? like, dont try an put em in say a 20 long, since its so short?
If you are talking about a clown fish
I am not for sure. Mine are in a 75 gal tank . They hang out at the top anyway, so i dont think it matters. They did start out in my 35 gal hex tank with a few other fish, but I got a 75 for my fish and did horses in the 35 gal. They seem to be doing ok.


Active Member
im sorry jen, i meant for a horse tank LOL trying to watch tv, talk to my gf, watch her play warrock and type on here all at the same time ur bound to make mistakes LOL


ok the tank needs to be twice as long as the horses when they are completly streched out. Hope that helps


Active Member
Hi Kelly, for a pair of Erectus- your tank should be nothing less then a 29 gal, preferably a tank that is somewhere around 21 to 24 inch tall. a 37 gal cube work great. erectus horses can get up yo 7 to 8 inch long and their tank should be 3X their length.


Well-Known Member
37g cube is my favorite setup for a pair...probably because that's what I have for mine! If you want more than three horses (or honestly more than two), go for a standard 45g tank. These are 24 inches tall, perfect for Erectus. The 3 feet of frontspace is great for 4 to 5 horses. Make sure you include a skimmer in your setup! Horses definitely need on for both filtering and oxygenation purposes.