Tank size question



What are each of those 7 coach? the back of the tank and bottom of stand are so dark its hard to tell.


Active Member
Very nice coach! I'll post a pic later of what I'm thinking. Ya its a long and no need to read it all. We're just getting to the point of set-up. he wants to order the tank by the end of the week so I gotta get crunching numbers.
But again all your input would be great!


Active Member
the middle bottom 2 are 1.5 or 2" drains everything else is a 1" return...
i'd have to check the notebook on that tank.... ok i checked my notes the tank was the 180g RR drilled with 1.5" drains for each closed loop (2) the middle pipe was the return from sump 1.25"


Active Member
ok well what are you going for ? what size bulkheads? 1-2 CL ? which one is the sump return? which ones are you closed loop drains? looks pretty though


Upper reds are the sump returns, Upper blue is the cl drain and the bottom reds are the cl returns, and bottom blues are overflows to the sump/fuge right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by emmitt
Upper reds are the sump returns, Upper blue is the cl drain and the bottom reds are the cl returns, and bottom blues are overflows to the sump/fuge right?
Yep thats right! All the red is 1" BH's and the CL intake is 1.5".
After thinking about the drains for the OF's I was thinking 1.25" for more flow but I think Glasscages likes to use schedule 80 BH and I don't think they will fit in the OF so might have to go down to 1" drains and get more out of the CL.
The OF's will handle 1200 gph through the sump/fuge and the have to get 2000+ through the CL. The OF boxes are 4" x 7" = 15" liner inches each. but with the lighter flow can probably come down to 4" x 6" this should be more than enough for 1200 gph!


Active Member
Originally Posted by emmitt
Upper reds are the sump returns, Upper blue is the cl drain and the bottom reds are the cl returns, and bottom blues are overflows to the sump/fuge right?

so it 3 returns for a single closed loop drain.?


Active Member
it's fine with proper calculations.. make sure you have valves or couplings on all plumbing...for change of plumbing or pumps....


Glasscages has a 90 gallon acrylic 48x18x25 or a 95g 48x24x17, what do you think of either of those for a sump/fuge?


Active Member
that would be one of the largest ive seen......
currently group working on a 400g display with a 400g sump/refuge excess frag tank....


Active Member
I would assume that large of a sump/fuge.
emmitt, did you see that vidio that coach posted? pretty interesting.
Again its not about gallonage its about footprint.....
what would you suggest coach?


Sprry guys i know this is ot but...whats up tim havent seen ya in along time. What ever happend to that tank that i found for u lol???(DID it explode like i was hoping?) Good to see ya!!!!!


Active Member
Hey mad, How's it going down south? the tank is well! I cut it up to size about 120 gals 60"x18"x26". Notched out the back for OF's (no box) and have the returns drilled. Still working on a CL. But I just got my RO unit which was the big hold-up. I'm not carry buckets for both tanks, far to old for that. I still have to buy the front panel.
Just building a new sump/fuge for the 55 and then back to that one. I'll have you up to check it out!
Changed my email same as before just gmail.
Good to hear from you, I assume you heard about Mike?
Shoot me mail!


Active Member
I vote for space available or 40-50% display volume....depending on weather it is fitting in a stand or fish room.....and what you want to accomplish with it...
I'm actually going to try the sump refugium set up from that site to see how well that may work or not... i'll just use my spare tank and put it under my 90... it made me curiuos...