Tank size question


I live on the 3rd floor of a apartment complex...would a 150G tank be to heavy? Would there be a concern? The tank is heavy as it is no telling how heavy it will be with water. I can get a hell of a deal on one..complete set up-little trade of goods plus 250$. it will include everything...tank, stand, lights, pumps, filters, etc. What do you think I should do...I thought maybe just buy it anyway..damn good price. :notsure: :hilarious


I would not do it. A friend of mine had a 120 on the second floor and they had a power outage and his backup failed and pumped about 40 gallons of water into his floor which went down stairs and cost him close to 1800.00 in damages. I would buy it and either try and resell it or store it but dont store it for to long because you seals will weaken


i wouldnt recomment it either, but for weight a gallon of water weighs roughly 8 lbs. so 150*8=1200 lbs plus the weight of the tank, stand, lights, equip etc.


here is what it comes with..tank, stand, sump, uv sterilizer, light, glass tops...and he said there is a lot more. As far as the seal...could I not just reseal it later?


so if the power goes out the sump will over flow? Why would anyone want to have that then? I thought the only thing I had to worry about was my floor caving in....or the aquarium breaking.


Originally Posted by pikapp168
so if the power goes out the sump will over flow? Why would anyone want to have that then? I thought the only thing I had to worry about was my floor caving in....or the aquarium breaking.
how does the sump work...I don't have a sump on my 75G, so if th epower goes off..will the sump over flow? I don't know much about sumps...I have decided to get the set up..you can't beat 250$. I saw a pic of it and its freaking nice.


there are safe gaurds like a tiny hole drilled in the outlet lines that will cause the back siphon to break in the event of a power outage so this doesnt happen there are also one way valves that will only allow the water to flow in one direction.


1st-You would really need to find out if they are going to allow you to have it! Most Apartment Buildings have a policy against such things, 2nd-If they do allow it, you need to know the construction of the building, IE: which way the floor joists are run! If i where to put that big of a tank upstairs, I would probably build a platform across the joists to spread out the weight, and maybe even install a drain in said platform ( allowing for a disaster ). You could be setting yourself up for a huge bill if something goes wrong and flood out your downstairs niebors! :scared:
Good Luck !
Just get renters insurance to protect your 6. Sounds like a good price. Ask rental office or landlord. I had a water bed on a second floor, had to be hundreds of gallons. Buildings should be designed strong enough to withstand that much weight unless you live in Warsaw in 1895.


Originally Posted by Myrtle Beach
Just get renters insurance to protect your 6. Sounds like a good price. Ask rental office or landlord. I had a water bed on a second floor, had to be hundreds of gallons. Buildings should be designed strong enough to withstand that much weight unless you live in Warsaw in 1895.
LOL well I live in the now, so no worries there. LOL I'll ask them, my lease is up in a couple of months and I'm thinking of buying a home, so I may just buy it and set it up if I get a house.


i think you should be ok, like what some of the others are telling you a buildiong should hold that much weight and then some. but as far as over flowing in case of power outages just drill a small whole on the return side thats in the water, make the whole alittle below the water line or above its up to you .if you do it above the waterline alittle water will shoot out but its going into ur tank and if power goes out the pump will suck in air and not water so no over flow and just make sure you dont fill ur sump up all the way allow for some water to flow back in there if power goes out and you will be fine.
Trust me on that one my dog turned off the switch over night and my tank never over flowed