Tank Size Question


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
woot woot, im right again LOL damn, all this research an brain pickin is payin off LOL
haha yea. I bought a Biocube though because I didn't want to pay for ship and handling or anything so I just searched my local stores but 0 out of the 4 or so carry Solanas. blows


New Member
So is the equipment that comes with the Solanas tank a lot better then what comes with the biocubes. I'm already addicted to fishkeeping in general so I know once I get into saltwater it will become even worse so I would like to have everything needed with one buy. Meaning I don't want to get the biocube and then turn around and have to buy better lighting and what ever else because what it came with isn't good enough for what I want. So what I'm saying is with the Solanas will the equipment it comes with be good enough for just about anything I wanted or would I still have to upgrade.


Active Member
if i remember right from looking at them, yes, they come with everything u need, no upgrading needed, unless you wanna try an mod the tank LOL but, u dont have to, its got everything u need in one complete buy, stand included


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
if i remember right from looking at them, yes, they come with everything u need, no upgrading needed, unless you wanna try an mod the tank LOL but, u dont have to, its got everything u need in one complete buy, stand included
haha yeah I had to buy a stupid stand at wal-mart for my bio

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by ERK419
So is the equipment that comes with the Solanas tank a lot better then what comes with the biocubes. I'm already addicted to fishkeeping in general so I know once I get into saltwater it will become even worse so I would like to have everything needed with one buy. Meaning I don't want to get the biocube and then turn around and have to buy better lighting and what ever else because what it came with isn't good enough for what I want. So what I'm saying is with the Solanas will the equipment it comes with be good enough for just about anything I wanted or would I still have to upgrade.
If this is true and im sure it will be ...you will need to add a addition to your home and go back to square one"Get the biggest tank you can"


Active Member
hey veni, im willin to bet a brand new custom built tank, by me :p that in a year, he'll be outta the FW fish, and have a 500 gallon SW tank set up, he might be single at that point, but oh well LOL


New Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
If this is true and im sure it will be ...you will need to add a addition to your home and go back to square one"Get the biggest tank you can"

LOL your probaly right! Does anyone have a link or two to places that sell Solanas tanks. I found them for 799 with stand but found another link said in stock now for 289 don't think its got a stand though


Active Member
that one doesnt come with a light or a stand, the one on marineandreef has everything, light, stand, everyting, for 799


New Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
u dont need that particular light if u dont want corals :p the MH is really a coral only light LOL
There is a huge price difference between the Solana and the biocube. I do want to have coral but I don't really want to pay 800 for it. When I can pay 300. Is the light on the biocube able to be upgraded and if so how much would that cost and would it be necessary to have coral.


Active Member
i do believe the one tank will handle corals, the biocube that is, but, u may have to upgrade the lights just a lil bit, from what ive seen an read, honestly, you can do corals with T5HO's, and i believe it wont cost much to upgrade the 29g biocube to that

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by mboswell1982
i do believe the one tank will handle corals, the biocube that is, but, u may have to upgrade the lights just a lil bit, from what ive seen an read, honestly, you can do corals with T5HO's, and i believe it wont cost much to upgrade the 29g biocube to that