Tank size/stocking question...


Okay I just got a 55, YIPPIE! so even though im MONTHS away from it being ready for fish, I'm considering stock. Before I got any farther with the smaller fish I've found and love 2 questions, both are probably "NO" but I just want to be 100% sure.
1. Is there a small tang species that will be happy in a 55 (NOT SURVIVE, *HAPPY*). I've been told by the LFS that there is one smaller tang, but I cant remember not the yellow, purple or blues tho.
2. Are there any butterflies that would be happy in a 55? (same thing i mean HAPPY).
If there are I'm going to build the tank around that one fish, if not then i'm going to go full reef (have MH so lots of coral finally) and I've got a list of smaller fish that i know ill be happy with until I get the funds together for the 180 (or larger)
Thanks in advance, and please I'm asking because I dont want a punk at the LFS to say "sure that can go in there" like they tell people "oh you can put a set of 6 oscars in a 55, no problem, let me just sell you this bigger filter" (did i mention i had 6 oscars and 2 aqua clear 110's on/in a 55? )


i wouldnt do butterfly's either they require very specific types of foods to be "happy". your trophy fish should be a dwarf angel or large clown. maroon's are cool, and coral beauty's or flame angels are awesome fish too. alot of the smaller fish have BIG personalities, just do your research and make sure things are compatable. if your planning on a reef make sure your fish are reef safe. good luck!


Active Member
agreed on both the tang and butterfly...both would survive in a 55 for a while, but after a while...happiness would not be there as they both would outgrow the 55.
When we first set up our 55, we got 2 clowns and an eibli angel (this was my favorite fish...FULL of character and in every photo that we took of the tank, really nosy!!!).


I guess that just makes me want more water ;) eheheh.
Next thing up trying to fit a 48" tank inside a 48" stand :) I was given with my 55 an "I think its a 40, its the same as a 55 but not as tall" that when I measured it turns out its a 33 long , 48 x 13 x 12... its cute tho