Tank Size


New Member
Hi again
I've decided to go in between the 46 and 92 gal. bow fronts and get the 72 gal. I like the overflows for the filters. Seems like this will make maintaining things easier. I'm still thinking about the convict tang and flame angel I saw at the LFS, is a 72 gal. setup large enough for a convict tang at full growth?
Still reading and re-reading the book "The Conscietious Marine Aquarist". I like the book , but would be interested in getting something that deals a bit more specifically with fish size, compatibility(things that won't eat each other) and reef/invert compatibility any suggestions?
Is it better to get smaller(and presumably younger)fish? Would they handle the stress of transportation and acclimation better?


Active Member
suposedly a convict will do fine in a 70 gallon... but there are the tang police on these boards who will flame you if you have a tang in any tank smaller than 100 gallons.


New Member
Just wondering, like the idea of the of the black and white against the colors of the inverts.


Active Member
Tangs just like to swim. The reason they say that tangs need 100+ gal tanks is because this would give them 6 feet of tank to swim in instead of 4.
Congrats on the purchase!!