Tank size


Active Member
What fish do you like? Reef or fish?
Too broad a question to answer without more information.


New Member
I would say the biggest tank you have room for and can afford.....The upgrade bug bites hard.....believe me I know!


Active Member
Sorry, I was hoping for mabye a clown fish or two, anemone, cloudy damsel, and some hermit crabs and two shrimp.


Active Member
What experience do you have in the hobby?
Smaller tanks are harder to keep. If you are a new hobbyists, then a larger tank will be better. This is also true with the fact that anemones require very very good water quality.
With your stock list, you can probably get away with something like a 45g, keeping in mind that anemones need VERY intense lighting (eg not stock lighting the tank comes with) and this adds significant cost to the setup.


Active Member
There is no "small blue hippo" tang. They are all babies, and so you must prepare for adult size. In this case, absolutely no smaller than a 5 foot long tank, typically a standard 125 or larger, minimum.


Active Member
ok, what other fish would you recomend for a tank around 45g? I was also thinking mabye a butterfly or angel? or do butterflies eat anemones. How about gobies and are there any other kind of tangs you can put in a small thank that size? I am hopping I can get a scooter blenny, though this site says a have to have an established tank first.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
anemones need VERY intense lighting (eg not stock lighting the tank comes with)
What kind of lighting do you need?


Active Member
IMO, T5 or metal halide for best chance of success. Depending on the tank dimensions and the species of anemone, MAYBE a good number of power compacts.


Here is my setup. I feel like I got lucky and bought the perfect sized tank for a pair of clownfish and an anemone. I have a 58 gallon tank. A lot of people will tell you that you need VHO or MH lights to keep an anemone, but that's not entirely true. You can keep a bubble tip anemone under pc (compact florescent) lighting in most cases. But that's just my opinion; a lot of people disagree. Regardless, it will be several months before you can keep an anemone. There are a few reasons for this. First, you will make some mistakes, and anemones won't survive the mistakes most of us made early on. Second, anemones do not tolerate poor water quality, so you'll want to perfect your water changing and testing procedures before adding it to your tank. And finally, it is said that your tank should be well "established" before adding an anemone. There isn't a specific time line, as some tanks mature faster than others. But I'll tell you that most people who add an anemone prior to six months aren't successful in keeping them alive. The fish you want aren't completely unreasonable like most (including me) people who first get into the hobby. I would recommend a 45+ gallon (if you want a single clown) or 55+ gallon (if you think you'll want a pair), wait to buy the lights until your tank is ready for an anemone, and start by adding the cloudy damsel you want first. The three latter fish you mentioned (butterflies, tangs, and angels) are three of the more difficult species to keep. I would stick to your original list, and you will still be able to later add two reef safe fish after you've had time to do your homework. Good luck!


I can't think of any tangs for less than a 90g. There are several nice dwarf angels that would be ok in a 55 or so. If you really want the anemone and you get the lights to keep it, you'll want a reef so any angel is risky to nip corals.
There are many easy fish that will go well with your clowns and damsels. Look on this site for basslets, blennies, cardinals, dottybacks, and gobies. You'll find a lot that you like. A 6 line wrasse always looks good too.


Anemones definitely need either T5s or MHs. And the only Tang who might be ok in a 55 is Yellow Tang. Dwarf Angels would ok, just be careful since some of them can nip at corals. You also might want to re-think Damsels - they can be pretty, but they can also be very mean.
As far as Clowns - you don't need a 55 for a pair of Clowns. They will do ok in a smaller tank since they're not big swimmers.


Active Member
Try an aquapod, these really are the best starter tanks. Also find a fish store other than a big box place like *****, that you trust. A good place will give you the best advise, help you set up your tank and get you all set. Aquapods, made by Current are great starter tanks for saltwater. They come in a 12 and 24 gallon size (we have the 24g). Make sure you buy live rock and sand. Also its easier and safer to buy already mixed saltwater from a store. The place we use lets you borrow 5 gallon buckets if you need them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dmitry
Dwarf Angels would ok, just be careful since some of them can nip at corals. You also might want to re-think Damsels - they can be pretty, but they can also be very mean.
As far as Clowns - you don't need a 55 for a pair of Clowns. They will do ok in a smaller tank since they're not big swimmers.
I know I don't need a tank that big, I've heard the bigger the tank the better, so I 'm going to get the biggest tank I can. As far as the dwarf angel mabye a flame angel, I most likely won't get any real coral, just artifitial. I've heard it looks almost like the real stuff after algea grows on it. And I know its the wrong forum, but what clowns should I get? I was thinking two gold stripe maroon and a pink tip (of course, after I get my tank established). I'am also hopping to get a couple other of those fish essop3 mentioned. And I really want a red gorgorian.


Active Member
And also, how many fish would be able to live ok in a tank of about 55g? Look at my lists and tell me about how many other fish I would be able to get
. Thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
Also its easier and safer to buy already mixed saltwater from a store. The place we use lets you borrow 5 gallon buckets if you need them.
They will let you buy premixed water! sweet!


Active Member
I do not like pre mixed water. Every box I got had different readings. Most on here mix their own. Read on here for awhile and you will get tons of info. My 55 has 2 false perus, 2 red fire fish, (these were already paired up), ! B. cardinal, 1 royal gramma.
Read through the first thread on this forum for beginners and you will be way ahead of the game then a lot of us were when we first started. Maybe not have to make a lot of the same mistakes.