Tank size


Active Member
Thanks! I am very happy with that list. One other thing, about how much to set up a 55g tank with a biowheel external power filter, protein skimmer, live rock, and live sand to suit these fish?
2 Gold Stripe Maroon Clowns
1 Cloudy Damsel
1 Blackcap Basslet
3 Blue Reef Chromis
1 Flame Angel
1 Pajama Cardinal
1 Spotted Mandarin Dragonet


Originally Posted by yannifish
Thanks! I am very happy with that list. One other thing, about how much to set up a 55g tank with a biowheel external power filter, protein skimmer, live rock, and live sand to suit these fish?
2 Gold Stripe Maroon Clowns
1 Cloudy Damsel
1 Blackcap Basslet
3 Blue Reef Chromis
1 Flame Angel
1 Pajama Cardinal
1 Spotted Mandarin Dragonet
dude...do not get the madarin...how many people have to tell you already not to get it? you don't have the LR, the established reef systems, the refugium or the copepods!
and wth? 2 maroon clowns?! if they're not mated the female will kill the male in that small tank... TOO MANY FISH


Originally Posted by yannifish
Thanks! I am very happy with that list. One other thing, about how much to set up a 55g tank with a biowheel external power filter, protein skimmer, live rock, and live sand to suit these fish?
2 Gold Stripe Maroon Clowns
1 Cloudy Damsel
1 Blackcap Basslet
3 Blue Reef Chromis
1 Flame Angel
1 Pajama Cardinal
1 Spotted Mandarin Dragonet
This is a very expensive hobby, so be prepared to shell out some money! Protein skimmers are somewhere around $100. depending on where you shop. I recommend taking your list and compare prices, maybe browse thru internet sites. We shop at one of the lowest priced stores I have ever seen, but I can not mention the web address, due to SWF.com's rules (understandable). Shop around!!!
I do not recommend any fish that is not reef-safe if you plan on having an anemone. Why? We had an Auriga Butterflyfish and a Coral Beauty Angelfish and both would pick at our BTA's until they were dead and then finished them off. So even if you don't have corals, I would stay with reef-safe fish.
Definitely, go with liverock, but we tried fake corals and due to our compact lighting, it faded out the color on the coral, and it was ruined. I think the colorful fish would be the only accent of color you need. JMO.


the LR alone which would be around 65lbs for your tank size
assuming you go with the cheapest which is Fiji LR (not my favorite) and can find it for around 4 a lb...
you'll end up spending around 260.00 for LR alone


Active Member
If you are willing to take it slow and do some DIY project also ,there are ways to save lots of money. Also, keep an eye out in your local classifieds and on these and catch some people getting rid of there stuff. You can use base rock and sand and seed it with live to save some money, it just takes a little longer to establish. only a few months though. Your coraline algea will give you lots of color over time also, so when your tank matures even with just live rock it is colorful. Just keep reading and read other peoples threads. You'll get all kinds of ideas.


Active Member
I am also wondering if that biowheel filtration system and live rock will be a good filtration system? And some one mentioned that for the mandarin I want to get I need 100lbs of lr. If I get a combination of live rock and normal rock that equals 100lbs and let it mature for a year, will that support enough pods to feed it (of course I've boiled all the normal rock)?


Active Member
This list better?
1 Gold Stripe Maroon Clown
1 Cloudy Damsel
1 Blackcap Basslet
3 Blue Reef Chromis
1 Flame Angel
1 Scooter Blenny
1 Shrimp Goby


I still wouldn't do a damsel...They are mean little buggers. We cycled our tank with those when we were first new and regretted it. They are hard to get rid of, especailly if your lfs won't take them back after you are done with them. Many people here use a piece of shrimp to help cycle their tanks or chromis fishies. The green chromis we tried were not aggressive like the damsels.
Just make sure you research your fish choices before buying. Use the internet or just ask here.


Active Member
But otherthan that you like the list? I will get rid of the damsel and cycle the tank with a Chromis. In the end I would like three Chromis, so can I introduce them one at time in the cycling process?


Originally Posted by yannifish
But otherthan that you like the list? I will get rid of the damsel and cycle the tank with a Chromis. In the end I would like three Chromis, so can I introduce them one at time in the cycling process?
Alot of people consider it cruel to cycle with fish, just cycle with a regular old cocktail shrimp. Get your cycle done then add your cleanup crew and THEN add your first fish. *assuming your parameters are good*


Active Member
Ok, I'll cycle with with shrimp. The inverts I'm putting in the tank are ten Hermits, a Cleaner and Fire shrimp, an anemone, and a red gorgorian. After I have all these fish in the tank, would a female blue throat trigger be ok? or would it it be to aggresive and eat my inverts?


Originally Posted by rabbit_72
I still wouldn't do a damsel...They are mean little buggers. We cycled our tank with those when we were first new and regretted it. They are hard to get rid of, especailly if your lfs won't take them back after you are done with them. Many people here use a piece of shrimp to help cycle their tanks or chromis fishies. The green chromis we tried were not aggressive like the damsels.
Just make sure you research your fish choices before buying. Use the internet or just ask here.
I can attest to the damsels
I call mine the blue devils...GEESH anyone want a pair
once in always in, you will never get them out. Called fish store today and they don't want them, stocked enough as is they said.


Originally Posted by yannifish
Ok, I'll cycle with with shrimp. The inverts I'm putting in the tank are ten Hermits, a Cleaner and Fire shrimp, an anemone, and a red gorgorian. After I have all these fish in the tank, would a female blue throat trigger be ok? or would it it be to aggresive and eat my inverts?
A trigger with other fish in a 45g. first too smal a tank, and too aggressive for othr fish.
my opinion,


Active Member
Originally Posted by yannifish
Ok, I'll cycle with with shrimp. The inverts I'm putting in the tank are ten Hermits, a Cleaner and Fire shrimp, an anemone, and a red gorgorian. After I have all these fish in the tank, would a female blue throat trigger be ok? or would it it be to aggresive and eat my inverts?
You could just cycle your tank with uncured live rock. Once you get it (if its uncured) just set it up how you want in the tank and the rock will cure in your tank. Since the rock will be curing there will be some die off and this will cycle your tank. So pretty much you are doing 2 things at once. Saves time IMO.


Originally Posted by yannifish
And also, how many fish would be able to live ok in a tank of about 55g? Look at my lists and tell me about how many other fish I would be able to get
. Thanks!
Actually, you can't really look at it this way. You have to go by the tests and the habits of the fish. Some people say 1 inch per gallon (or 3 gallons). However, I do believe if you have live rock that lowers the gallon value, but it also makes your tests balance better to some degree, so instead of trying to fit as many fish as you can in, just take it slowly, and pick the fish that interest you that are good in the type of tank you have (FO, FOWLER, or REEF), and that gives you room to grow and experiement and find a fish that you like that maybe someone doesn't necessarily think of or whatever.
These boards are full of wonderful people who can help you get things going smoothly, so use the resource you have here. They have all done wonders for me!


Originally Posted by yannifish
Ok, I'll cycle with with shrimp. The inverts I'm putting in the tank are ten Hermits, a Cleaner and Fire shrimp, an anemone, and a red gorgorian. After I have all these fish in the tank, would a female blue throat trigger be ok? or would it it be to aggresive and eat my inverts?
I want a fire shrimp BADLY, but just be aware, I have been reading they are difficult to acclimate and keep - and they are not cheap, so make sure your tank is well established, and you acclimate carefully.


You're doing a great job listening to everyone's advice and making intelligent choices imo so far! Keep up the good work! Snails will probably reproduce, but some will die off if they get overpopulated. Their population naturally stabalizes.


Active Member
does it matter what kind of snails I get? And how many should I get? Oh, and would a foxface rabbitfish be ok in a 55g?


Active Member
Originally Posted by yannifish
They will let you buy premixed water! sweet!
Yeah, they have a HUGE storage tank and mix it everynight before they lockup. Then in the AM its ready to go! We buy enough for a water change borrow some buckets with lids from them and then take them back