Tank size


Active Member
I was also wondering if it would be ok to have a spotted puffer in the tank, it says its ok to have one in a reeaf tank, but I wan't to double check.


Make sure you get a 'fresh' shimp, many are treated to keep them 'looking' fresh. A good sniff should tell you. I 'think' it is is chlorine they treat it with.
Someboddy correct me if I am wrong please
Originally Posted by yannifish
Ok, I'll cycle with with shrimp. The inverts I'm putting in the tank are ten Hermits, a Cleaner and Fire shrimp, an anemone, and a red gorgorian. After I have all these fish in the tank, would a female blue throat trigger be ok? or would it it be to aggresive and eat my inverts?


Buy an Ro unit. Don't use tap water. I searched the net, and found some cheaper one's but finaally went to a local home improvement store. It was worth the money....although it took me forever how to figure how to hook that thing up!

Originally Posted by yannifish
Ok, but I'll just mix my own.


Active Member
Originally Posted by yannifish
I was also wondering if it would be ok to have a spotted puffer in the tank, it says its ok to have one in a reeaf tank, but I wan't to double check.
I believe he'll eat your inverts and small fish. Some of them get large also. I liked your earlier list it looked good.
When you finally get your tank cycled go look on here at the clean up crews. This will give you an idea of what you can get. I'd get a good varity of snails, I also have hermits, but some don't like them.
Just remember to go slow and have fun.
Good Luck


Active Member
Ok, thanks. Well, know I need help with the quarantine tank, I was planning on a 10g, with a little lr and a artifitial plant or two. I was thinkng I could just keep it in a cupboard in the dark so algea won't grow, and to open the cupboard and turn the the light on when I need to use it. Do these tanks need to mature? Or can I use water in there to refill my tank when I do a water change?


Active Member
Whould a fighting conch be ok to have? They are really cool looking. Does anybody have any advise on what species of snail I should get? Does it matter?


Your QT does need to mature. And you should also ghost feed when the tank is not in use.
I am sorry, I don't know enough yet to suggest any snails or to help you there.


I bought a few turbos for my tank several days ago. A few are pretty big.
I am trying to keep mine really simple at first, as I learn. But, I don't think what type you buy will make a difference.