Tank Size



I'd like to start my first reef tank. I'm new to SW, but have some experience with FW. I'm big on planning and long on patience. I'd be ok with taking 2-3 years to get a tank to where I want it. I also like to go big, since this would be the only tank.
That said, what tank size would be the max for someone like myself? (or is that enough information?)


It all depends on what you'd like to keep in it. If you wanna have tangs then you'll need at least a tank that is 6ft long...some will say longer. I like my 240 gallon, it's 8ft long x 2ft x 2ft. But keep in mind you'll need more lighting, live rock, live sand, larger skimmer, larger sump and larger utility bills, lol.


+1 on all the above. the bigger the better till it comes time to pay for it.
larger tanks allow for less catastrophes to happen as they can take more bad without fouling the tank completely.


its all about the $$ and how much hassle you are willing to put up with for maintenance. rememeber to keep in mind a 10% water change can be an ordeal on a 500 gallon system. also keep in mind the lights need to be replaced and the more you have the more it costs to replace.


Active Member
Like EGILL mentions, with saltwater, it's usually better idea to plan the tank around the stuff you want to keep, instead of planning what you can keep around the tank. As really, there's such a variety. A pair of percula clownfish can live comfortably in their 20gal, while a large Vlaminigii Tang needs something in the 500gal range

Honestly the only negatives to a large tank, is the drain on your pocketbook. Get a compatible list of fish, inverts (if you want any), and corals (if you want any) together, then pick an appropriate sized tank for them.