Tank size



I cant decide on which tank to go with. A 50 gallon long or 80 gallon tall. I want to build a reef tank that's why I'm thinking of going to the 80 gallon for the room, but it would give the fish less room to swim. The 50 gallon would be just the opposite, more room to swim but less building on the reef. Any suggestions? I'm new to this so please don't hold anything back, I would rather get slammed them build a tank that stresses my fish.


Active Member
I'd recommend the 80, it is a larger tank, and will be easier to take care of and keep parameters consistent.
You won't be keeping any real big swimmers (such as tangs) in a 80 or 50, so swimming space shouldn't matter too much. Just don't get fish that are real big swimmers and you'll be fine.
How deep is the 80?


I am not sure how deep it is but it looks like 18-20 inches. (but i could be wrong)


Active Member
My 55 is 20 deep if I remember right, so I'd have to assume a 80 tall would be deeper than that.
I'm just curious though.


You are more than likely right I just don't remember. Ok I called the place and the dimensions are 48.5 L - 13.5 W - 23.5 T. They are selling it for 149.99 and I think that it is a good deal on the tank. What do you think?


Active Member
I haven't been looking at tank prices lately, but I'd say it is pretty good.
Those are the dimensions of the 80?


Yes. 150 seems like a decent price but im still stuck on deciding on the tank. I think the 80 is the better choice so I am pretty sure I will go with that. Thank you


Active Member
13.5 width is going to make aquascaping a reef a PITA. I have a 55 which is 13 wide and it is a a royal pain to aquascape. I wish I had gone with a 50 or 75 which offers more width.


Active Member
I agree with Gemmy. The 55 is narrow, and it sounds like the 80 is the same width (which doesn't make sense to me). The 80 has the same footprint as the 55, but is three inches taller. Does that three inches really give twenty-five more gallons?
Have you looked into a 75? That's what I wish I had, for the same reason as Gemmy.


I have not looked into a 75 gallon but I think I am going to stay away from having a reef tank. My wife is set on a puffer fish and I know that they will destroy a reef tank. Whats the smallest tank that you can house a puffer in?


Some puffers, especially some of the tobies can be housed in reefs, you just have to watch them with certain inverts (shrimps, snails, etc). TALL tanks suck for reefs, bottom line. They're usually narrow and don't allow the width needed for aquascaping.