Tank specs advice


Active Member
Hey...Just wondering if anyone could suggest what other neat fish I could get...
75 reef, with softies/Lps/Sps (Mixed)
Tankmates as of now:
Yellow Tang
1, soon to be 2 clowns
1 fairy wrasse
1 unknown Jawfish
I was thinking of a pygmy angel, or a regal tang...what do you think?
I am planning on adding a clam by the way.
Any suggestions of a neat fish to add to add some more color? Thanks!

d0 thy d3w

not to rain on your parade..but how much room do flame angels need? i think theyre really cool..but i dont think my 29 gallon will be enuff space..


Active Member
if your going to add a pygmy angel I reccomend it being the last fish you add to your tank because they get very aggressive towards newcomers once established in a tank, they are also one of the few angels that you can keep in groups as long as they are all introduced to the tank at the same time, three pygmys would look cool, they are one of my favorite dwarf angels.

d0 thy d3w

so sumtimes adding more than one angel is ok??? so..what if i put in a coral beauty..and a pygmy?? think that would be ok? or will they just kill each other?


Active Member
I really only wanted one pygmy..wouldnt one do fine too? I worry about getting the one at the LFS and coming home and it eating my corals...what are the chances that will happen? Should I try him out or will he definantley go after the corals? I guess it would go hippo then pygmy right? Thanks!


Active Member
My pigmy angel is the most docile fish I have in the tank. Yellow face, purple body and is 1 1/2" long maybe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by d0 thy d3w
so sumtimes adding more than one angel is ok??? so..what if i put in a coral beauty..and a pygmy?? think that would be ok? or will they just kill each other?
they would fight one would die.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
My pigmy angel is the most docile fish I have in the tank. Yellow face, purple body and is 1 1/2" long maybe.
they are docile untill you add a newcomer... not always though depending on the size of the tank and how much territory he's claimed, mine was great untill I added a psuedochromis fridmani then he turned on every one else in the tank. in a generalization they sould be the last fish added, of course there are exeptions to almsot any rule.
And one pygmy does just fine alone, it was just an Idea they dont need to school.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LazyPinoy
pygymy's are cute. i have one accompanied by a flame angel.
you have a really large tank they are talking in a 75 I dont know if that would be enough turf to keep multi angels happy especially not a flame and a pygmy IMHO


Active Member
You already have a Yellow Tang - No More Tangs Allowed in a 70 Gallon tank!!
A flame Agnel is a nice addition - they're smll but very active and personable.
If you're looking at keeping a reef tank keep your fish numbers low.
How about some neon gobies or a wrasse or two


Active Member
Originally Posted by ocellaris_keeper
You already have a Yellow Tang - No More Tangs Allowed in a 70 Gallon tank!!
A flame Agnel is a nice addition - they're smll but very active and personable.
If you're looking at keeping a reef tank keep your fish numbers low.
How about some neon gobies or a wrasse or two
its a 75 gal. tank...I dont want a flame angel, and I dont really care for neon gobys. I already have a clown fairy wrasse.