Tank Suggestions


Newbie here. This is my second go around in the salt water tank arena. I got a 34 gal red sea for Xmas. It's been cycling since then. I have some live rock, mushrooms, zenias(sp?), clam. I have a african wrasse, a mandarin goby, tank raise clown and a golden headed sleeper goby.
I've gone through the following fish
, at different times.
alligator pipe fish
yellow tang
copper banded butterfly
What I'd like to know is, what are some good choices in fish for my tank?
Here's a shot of the tank..sorry it's dirty in the pic!


Active Member
Welcome to the boards! Unfortunately I think you have been getting some not so sound advice on your previous fish choices. But you have found an asset here in this site, and there is a wealth of information that can be found by searching through older and newer threads.
I would say you are almost maxed out as far as fish go, and the mandarin should probably be given back to the fish store. Mandarins need a lot of live rock, they feed on pods only, so they need a big tank and one that is well established as well. Good luck to you.
The goby I am afraid like Subie was saying will probably not do well in your tank. As far as hitting the fish cap, you are pretty close I would say one more smaller fish and that would be pushing it.
Big fish to avoid are as follows:
Angelfish(which include butterfly/batfish)
*a Dwarf Lionfish would be okay, however I would not try it if you want to make a reef tank. Remember also that Lionfish are poisnous.

Fish that are good*:
Dwarf Angel
Bicolor Blenny
*That list is a very general list: You dont want a fish that will get to be 4" in your system.

Hope it helps, I am sorry I am all over the place at the moment. Let me know if ya have any questions.
Good golly miss molly I want your tank! You can house just about any coral you want with the T-5s (which I believe are stock lighting for you) Any coral except SPS will do well in your tank, you should also be able to do Anemones. (I would not advise getting an anemone if you want a reef as the anemone travels and will sting your corals and kill them.) Hm... Acan's are all the rage at the moment, and T-5s would make them look nice.
Corals(In my personal favorites)
Acanthastrea Lordhowensis - Easy
Zoas(Armor of G-ds, Purple people eaters, Water of lifes) - Easy
Ricondrea - A little touchy
FrogSpawn - A little touchy
Pulsing Xenia - A little touchy
Brain Coral - Easy
Hope I helped =)


Check out my tank its close in size to the red sea and starting off I had T5s too. I just switched to MH for the shimmer effect. I have been keeping many different corals and a crocea too. The crocea was doing great under the T5 by the way ( i do not and did not recomend you get a crocea and try that).
Anyway check it out may give you some ideas.


Active Member
It depends on your coral preferences. I, for instance, like the kinda that sway in the current instead of pretty ones that dont. Therefore frogspawns and xenia are favorite while SPS corals are not. I'm going to get Xenia and a frogspawn for myself and probably a few mushrooms. Maybe a clam. But I'd probably get rid of the mandarin, unless you want to provide the care neccesary. its possible, just demanding for the average aquarist.