tank swap cloudy water predicament... help!


hey everybody-
i have successfully swapped my sand to my new tank, but the water is now cloudy. it looks like it sould probably clear up by the a.m. will it be ok to put a powerhead and heater in a rubbermaid to hold my fish and corals until it clears up? right now i have my rock in the rubbermaid with my fish, and the corals are in a separate container. fish include 2 percs, bangaii, royal gramma, LMB, firefish goby. corals include fungia, sinularia, sarcophyton, devil's hand, and various mushrooms and polyps. what should i do until it clears up?? thanks!


Active Member
imo the fish will be fine in your tank, even with teh kicked up sand, i added some awhile back, it was cloudy for a day or two and my fish were fine


Active Member
yup fish should be fine, remember the coral reefs do get storms and it is cloudy then. They will just duck for cover.
Not sure about the corals, they wont enjoy a cloudy tank and probably not a rubbermaid either. I think a rubbermaid is lesser of two evils.


i think i am going to go ahead and put the live rock in. will my fish and corals be ok in a 31 gal rubbermaid with a PH and heater??


well everything made it through the night OK, but the tank is still a bit cloudy. my only concern is what is going to happen when i put my powerheads back in the tank. there is a fine dusting of "powder" on top of the sand bed. will my corals be OK in the tank until it clears all the way up?


Active Member
Glad it made it through the night,
put the powerheads in there anyway, wont make any difference, if anything might help. Not sure about corals, see what someone else thinks....