Tank Temp


I have been monitoring the temp in my newly set up 90 reef. By the end of the light cycle, the temp is 76.4 but when I checked it this morning it was 74.3. Is this too much variation?


Active Member
It's certainly not ideal, but if it's done gradually it isn't going to kill anything once you stock it. I'd adjust the heater so there isn't as much of a swing.


I was having the same problem. My new lights were resting on the glass tank top and the temp was fluctuating from 83-88. I suspended the light 3 inches from the tank, replaced the glass shield with eggcrate and got a mini clip on fan. Now its at a consistent 81. Still a bit high but not fluctuating to YAY

If you can do any of those adjustments to your system it may help!


Active Member
I may be mistaken but I believe that I read a 2degree fluctuation is ok, but Im thinking anything over that is bad. what type of lighting do you have? PCs and NO flourescent are going to be hot and of course MH. T5 might be a good route to help with heat issues too.

well it would just be an excuse to buy them.

not necessairly bad but not ideal


A variation of 0-4 degrees is fine. Mine fluctuates from 79-81 each day. Some believe that a higher fluctuation, such as 4 degrees, makes the fish/inverts/corals stronger and better able to deal with tank moves / shipping, etc.


Active Member
The variation isn't too large, but I think the temp is just a little low. Considering that we are trying to replicate an ocean enviornment in a little tiny tank, I think that everything we can do to keep temps stable and close to an ideal temp is one more part of sucessful reefkeeping.
Originally Posted by Storkmpj
I have been monitoring the temp in my newly set up 90 reef. By the end of the light cycle, the temp is 76.4 but when I checked it this morning it was 74.3. Is this too much variation?