Tank Thinkin ........


New Member
Hey everyone
I was recently at my LFS when i ventured in to the tank area. I already have a 55/30g tank up and running and I was checking out a 90 gallon or a 125gallon because 55 doesn't really satisfy my addiction. I am pretty sure that my filter on the 55 wouldn't hold up with these sizes soo i would basically have to start from scratch and any ideas would make my decision easier.
- What tank would you prefer??
- Filter?
- Protein Skimmer?
- Lighting?
- Substrate
- any other preferences..


Active Member
I have a 95gal FOWLR...same as the 90 just it's 25 in tall. To be honest with you if you have the room for a 6foot tank go for it. With my tank I can't keep tangs except for a few that would do well in a 4ft. I love my 95 though. For me it's the perfect tank. To your questions. I have on first, what kind reef or FOWLR.
If your going FOWLR you'll want more mechanical filtration...wet/dry I have a nu-clear canister filter and running a UV & getting an HOB skimmer soon. I would get a protien skimmer rated for a bit of a bigger tank. In terms of lighting NO "normal out put" would work but if your doing a reef I would go MH "metal halides". The halides are brighter hence better but they produce heat and are costly. Substrate-this is a very BIG topic. IMO if your going with a reef tank I would go with a DSB "deep sand bed". If your gong with a FOWLR tank like me I would go with cc. Really shallow. Just my opinion.


Active Member
you could use your 55gal as your sump/refugium and modify it. that would save you money and you would have a great filtration system


New Member
Hey thanks for the replies...
I have enough room to hold a a 6ft'r plently of room to be honest and i saw a 135g which is pretty sweet and I don't think i wanna pay for a 180g soo... the parameters on it are
72 x 18 x 25. I will probably use a wet/dry ... At my LFS they have a nice wet/dry set up soo i might go with something like that... As far as skimmers go it's still up in the air but HOB is on the list. And lighting is a toughy... I don't know if i wanna go all reef or fish only and make an aggressive tank. If a fish only, would a PC work?? it will propbably be 384 watts .. good enough to hold some soft corals and inverts.. will that be to strong for the fish??? I could use my 55 g for reef :notsure:
For the substrate i was definitly thinking a deep fine grade which satifies both reef and aggressive fish..
decisions decisions~


Active Member
For fish only the pc's would be fine. Fish don't really care about light for the most part.
The only advice I can give is go with as good a lighting system as you can afford. You never know when the reef bug bites you and then you have a new expense all over again.
Also, if you're going with a sump, you may want to consider an in sump skimmer vice the HOB. Why spoil the view of the DT with a skimmer when you have options.
Good luck!

gold strip

Go as big as you can because it will save you time and trouble down the road when you get the urge again. I started with a 16 Bow, Then a 45, then a 75, then a 90 and now I have a 180.


Active Member
Go as big as you can RIP. Stretch..........
Hey gold do you have any gold band in your tank?

gold strip

My avitar picture is my 3" Gold Stripe. My wife named him "Arlington" after her school since the colors are the same.