Tank Trouble?


I seem to be having a bit of a problem. I thought that adding new lighting would be very benificial to my tank. I am starting to wonder if it was such a good idea. One week ago I replaced my (4) 48 in. NO with a (4) 54w T-5 retro fit lighting setup over my 55g. Since then I have had many strange things happening. First I had bubbles start forming all around my tank. Second I have a big algae bloom. Every thing is covered in a rust colored algae. I have noticed that my Green Star Polyps have not come out for very long in the last three days and my purple and green mushrooms look wilted. Have I done somthing wrong? Do I need to move things around.


I think something else is causing you brown algea problem. The new lighting is very similar to your old lighting. Green star polyps I have found to be very wierd, they always seem to close up. I moved mine to the top of my tank where the lighting was stronger and the current is stronger and they seem much happier. hope this help a little


Active Member
The rust colored algae is from diatoms. You probably started it when you added your new lighting. I hear that the t-5's are awesome lights, and even though the wattage is low the power and intensity is almost double the wattage, not sure if this is true though (just hearsay).
What kind of clean up crew do you have?


Thank you aarone they are awsome lights. They are so much brighter that I can barely look at them when I open my hood. It lights up the whole room. I have 5 or 6 turbo's, 4 hermits (2 scarlet, 2 Mexi), and a scunk cleaner shrimp. Does anyone think that I burned the GSP with the new lights? I have had the lights on for 8-10 hr's a day. My mushrooms are near the top of my tank should I move them toward the bottom.


Active Member
not necessarily burned, but it probably is gonna need a long time to get used to the new brighter lights.


Yep, definately a diatom bloom - which will take care of itself. I would scale bale the photo period and then gradually increase it. allowing your corals to adjust gradually to the intensity.


Active Member

Originally posted by foulbrew
Yep, definately a diatom bloom - which will take care of itself. I would scale bale the photo period and then gradually increase it. allowing your corals to adjust gradually to the intensity.

plus i would not move any corals ... just shorten your phot period and then very SLOWLY increase


Thanks guys!!! How long should I have the lights on? Are we talking 3-4 hrs or more like 6-8hrs? Then at what rate should I increase the lighting? Thanks for all the help!


Active Member
I'd go low and work you way up since hte algea bloom was pretty massive. 2-4 hours and then work it to 3-5 hours by the end of hte first week.... the shrooms and the GSP will do alright for hte time being .... as long as you maintain proper water quality!!


Thanks again! I will call my wife and have her turn the lights off. The only thing in the tank that was looking good was the cabbage leather. Will the lack of light stress out the fish?


Active Member
nah - I'd just leave some room lights on for them - then it will be like a dark cloudy day for them ... without the accompanying storms of course