Tank unknowns


I have 2 new things in my tank which I have been unable to identify. The first are on the front of my tank glass. They are small brown spots which I first thought was a diatomic algae outbreak. They actually look like the small pellets of food I have been putting in. As I said, they are attached to the glass only on the front. The are a small brown spec with a few tiny hairs coming off their sides. They have a bunch of shapes, similar to how a tiny snowflake would look to a human eye.
Also, before I had a few aiptasis which my emerald crabs surprisingly took care of. Close to where those were located is a new growth, which looks similar in the white color, but there is no tube like extension from the base. it all branches out right from the rock. There are a lot more thinner extensions and it looks like a japanese style fan. I would also comare the look of the extensions to those of one of those dusters you go over things with. My stupid camera wont take good pictures but if anyone could lead me in the right direction I would really appreciate it. Thanks