Tank Update Pic


Active Member
I haven't posted a full tank shot in a while. Thought I'd give an update. I've added some rock and everyone is doing great.
Looks great !!!!
Hey I have been considering a fox face for a while now. How is he with the triggers and such ? Can he hold his own ?


Active Member
My foxface gets along great with everyone. I think they all know not to pick on him. He does bow his head and raise his spines if someone get's a little too close for his comfort. He's third in line for nori. The naso gets to take the first bite, then the sailfin and then the foxface. Funny how they've worked that out. All in all a good fish. Doesn't like strangers though. I can walk up to the tank and he comes and looks. Anyone comes to visit and he immediately goes to the back and tries to blend in with the background.
I bought mine bigger than the triggers in the tank. I don't know if that makes a difference but I didn't want him coming in "after" the triggers and also being smaller.