Tank Upgrade, 29 Gallon Bow


I purchased a 29 gallon bow front last night from a buddy who is moving later this month. The tank was covered in coraline algae when I bought it and came with about 30 lbs of LR and 25 lbs of LS. I decided to combine some LR from my 20 gallon tank and make the 29 my new display. After a long night of scrapping coraline, the end result is exactly what I was going for. The new setup has 45 lbs of LR and 30 lbs of LS, a maroon clown and a skunk cleaner. There are some soft corals that were already attacked to the LR, and some that came from my 20. I expect a quick cycle with most of my rocks being covered in coraline and using LS that came from mature tanks. the water is still a little hazey, but let me know what you think.



Awesome job! I have a 16 gal bow front but I don't like it because the front is hard to clean as you probably well know by now.

heart & sole

wow thats a big transformation your tank looks brand new...looks great keep up the good work.


Originally Posted by kevine6678
Awesome job! I have a 16 gal bow front but I don't like it because the front is hard to clean as you probably well know by now.
I think the bow fronts are worth the little extra time and money. They bring out the tank inhabitants really well.


very nice, looks like new.
i hate the center brace though. when i had my 28 gallon bow, i removed the center brace and put a clear one on, but i had a metal halide


Originally Posted by Nemo_66
very nice, looks like new.
i hate the center brace though. when i had my 28 gallon bow, i removed the center brace and put a clear one on, but i had a metal halide
I'm not too concerned with the brace at the moment. I am concerned about the toadstool that came on a piece of LR. It has looked rough for the last 48 hours, but it was previously in a tank with a salinity of 1.031. I placed the piece of LR with the toadstoll on it near the top of the aquarium to recieve the a good amount of light, but have no idea how to care for a toadstool. Any advice and knowledge would be appreciated.


Originally Posted by Airforceman
what're you doin with filtration for that?
Top Fin 30, but the guy who had the tank before me didn't have any. the LR is two years established and as you can tell from the pictures covered in coraline growth that was acting as a natural filtration system for him.


It has been almost two weeks since I started up my new tank, and unfortunately I lost all of my Xenia to the cycle
. I shouldn't have a problem picking some more up from a friend in a couple weeks. My other corals are hanging in there, but not flourishing by any means. My tomato clown is looking much more healthier with feedings of silversides and flakes every couple days. I tested some ammonia this past weekend and did a 10% water change to help move things along. I will wait two more weeks and do a 20% change as soon as the cycle is complete. I am not a person to test my water parameters daily or every other day like some folks ( IMO its a waste of time and money). I understand the process will take some time, and feel that if I keep my salinity, temperature, and pH on point, the rest will follow.
I will have some updated pics soon, and I am also leaning towards getting rid of my PC's and picking up a MH setup
If you have any suggestions for a good MH system feel free to share what has worked for you, and what I should look for when picking up a system.


I have had the skunk cleaner for over 3 months, I took him out of my old DT. The tomato clown came with the new tank, and seems to like cleaner less salty water (tank was 1.031 when I got it). Both are very active and seem to get along nicely.



A few weeks ago I went to a friends to pick up some corals. At the time I didn't have my parameters exactly where I wanted them, so I held off on posting pictures because they all looked stressed. After getting my calcium up and my nitrates down, I went to pick up a Diamond Goby and and a few other things at my lfs yesterday. Thanks for the great corals Mike!



I love the personality of my Diamond Goby. He found himself a nice place to call home, and ate a few pieces of shrimp earlier this evening. The colors of the feather duster are amazing, and I hope to pick up another in the near future. I have not seen the pepermint shrimp since I added him to my tank last night. I think hes being lazy because there is still aiptasia on my rocks



Originally Posted by kaingers
I love the personality of my Diamond Goby. He found himself a nice place to call home, and ate a few pieces of shrimp earlier this evening. The colors of the feather duster are amazing, and I hope to pick up another in the near future. I have not seen the pepermint shrimp since I added him to my tank last night. I think hes being lazy because there is still aiptasia on my rocks

Peppermint shrimp will eat the aiptasia, but not if they find something tastier. The only thing that will eat aiptasia and absolutely nothing else are berghia nudis - but they should only be used if you have lots and lots of aiptasia.


if you have a problem with aptasia, you can boil some water and use a turkey baster or something like it and squirt the boiling hot water on to it. you dont even need to remove the rock from the water, thats how i got rid of mine a while back