Tank Weight



I want to get a new tank soon and I was thinking a 225. Now I live in an apartment, and most likely will be moving to an apartment on a floor other than the ground. I need a consensus on whether a tank of that size would hold on most floors or if one of that size would definately need support. I'm talking a standard floor. Hope i posed this question right.... Thanks!;)


Active Member
You would need to spread the tank out over several floor joist, and position it up against a main support wall. another thing you may have to worry about is if the apartment will allow it, also if your renters insurance will cover you on a second floor. Somebody on the board has a large tank in a second floor either condo or townhouse or apartment. They posted pics a while back of moving it up the steps, absolutely freeking funny.


Active Member
I personally would not put a tank that big on anything other than a concrete floor. But you might be ok.


Active Member

Originally posted by slick
I personally would not put a tank that big on anything other than a concrete floor. But you might be ok.

I second this. Tank, stand, water, sump, etc I bet your over 2k lbs.


I have a 220g in my mobile home it sits on two 2"by12" floor joist with a steel frame under joist. It is a new mobile home and the floors are stronger then a normal home.You should see the flimsy Pine stand it sits on :eek:


Active Member
Even if you disperse the weight your still adding over 2k lbs to the floor. That is like putting a car up there. I would just go with a smaller tank. But then again I could be completly wrong. I would just hate to hear that something bad has happened.


Oh, trust me I would not risk it. I've heard of someones tank falling through the floor and it's one of my favorite stories. I need a bigger tank for my fish. Maybe I'll look for something with a ground floor or something. I would most likely get between a 185-225.


If you are actually going too try it it, i would probaly get a 200 gallon, 25 gallons less, and 2 more feet too hit joists. But that would still be risking it.


I have a 215 on the second floor of my house. The night I picked it up there was a guy who went to school for structural engineering at the store and he told me I was crazy. Imagine my dissapointment when I heard the news.
After speaking to a few builders they told me as long as I had in on 3 floor joists I would be okay. Obviously they need to be perpindicular. Well it is a year later and so far so good!
Getting the apartment complex to agree maybe a different story!
I would agree wth ian. i work in construction and with that size ank you need to think 8lbs per gallon plus the weight of the empty tank and the live rock. just a quick estimate i come with about 3k. its 1700 just for the water weight and 200lbs of lr and 300lbs for sand with the tank weigh about 400. i wouldnt do it cuz if you did and it leaked or brake or fell through the floor you would be responsible for the entire damges to the complex plus the downstair neighbor. i think a hundred would be perfect but it also depends on how old theapt. is. Good Luck