tank will crash URGENT


just move a housewhole of fish to a new house.
1 regal tang
2 tomato clown
2 percula clown
1 dragonette
it was on tuesday the fish were place in the new house and everything is very healthy. all suddenly 5:00 pm today i saw the regal laying on the bottom and everything else is stand still and don't move.
my water parameter
ph - 7.4
no2 - 0
no3 - 10
amm - 0
salinity - 1.026
temp - 81
right now the regal is still on the bottom and breath unnormal, one of the tomato also on the bottom underneath of the rock, and everything else is stand still. also, the peppermint shrimp is hopping aroundo, and lot snails like dead.
please help


Active Member
well, you're ph is insanely low.
what are you doing for water movement, air exchanges? filtration?
what have you added to the tank? you don't have an issue with ammonia, but nitrites shouldn't be there, so something happened and is getting taken care of.


Active Member
Your pH is really low. Needs to be at least 8.0, but 8.3 is even better. Did you allow your tank to settle for a few days after setting it back up? Maybe someone else has some idea, but I would get the pH up.


I fill about 3/4 of the tank up with the old water and add new sw for the rest. the ph is low and i will get that taken care of right now but is that is the problem.


i don't think i should take them out and used water from my established tank to keep it in right.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tboy
I fill about 3/4 of the tank up with the old water and add new sw for the rest. the ph is low and i will get that taken care of right now but is that is the problem.
I would say the pH being low and high nitrites is enough to make any tank crash, so work on those two things and see if it improves. Do another water change to help get those nitrites down.


Hey i dont know where your from but that salinity is alot higher than i have known to run. fish dont like fast spike in salinity. Might not be the case but something to consider. along with those nitrates might have something to do with it


Originally Posted by NRR15
Hey i dont know where your from but that salinity is alot higher than i have known to run. fish dont like fast spike in salinity. Might not be the case but something to consider. along with those nitrates might have something to do with it
what do you think the salinity suppose to be?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tboy
what do you think the salinity suppose to be?
I run mine at 1.024 some say 1.026 but that what I have always ran mine without a problem.Definatly needed the ph higher.I don't see your nitrates going up from transfering water unless it was already like that to begin with I have switch tank the same way and never had a problem.


i don't know where you from but by salinity original was 1.025 and because of water evaporate and it got to 1.026


Active Member
depends on the system. i keep mine at 1.025-.026 as well. better for inverts, yada.
you haven't told us how long the tank has been set up, and how you cycled it. and now i'm wondering how long you allowed your new salt water to cure before you used it, and how you mixed it.


It was fine to use some of your old water. Please tell us your equipment, how long they have been in the new tank and HOW you cycled this tank before adding anything to it. You have not said what size the old one was and what size he new one is. Did you acclimate the fish from one to the other? Please fill in the details.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tboy
i don't know where you from but by salinity original was 1.025 and because of water evaporate and it got to 1.026
Your salinity is fine, IMO. My tank always runs at 1.025-1.026, corals are growing and fish are happy. (Maybe NRR15 misread your post.)
Sepulatian can really help you out, so give him more info and he'll walk you through it.


the old tank is 110 and the new one is 35. No equipment, just a heater, a max-jet 1200, and 175 mh light. the tank was fill 3/4 of the old water the took it with from the person i bought the tank from. they were so happy in there for a day and the next day i fill the rest up new salt water. They still fine in there for another day. The next day, everything was fine until in the evening which is yesterday. I just raise the ph up and hopefully everything is fine. I will check it out and posted.


Active Member

Originally Posted by azfishgal
Your salinity is fine, IMO. My tank always runs at 1.025-1.026, corals are growing and fish are happy. (Maybe NRR15 misread your post.)
Sepulatian can really help you out, so give her
more info and he'll walk you through it.

do you have any rock in the tank?


Active Member
Are you saying that you have a regal tang, 2 tomato clowns, 2 percula clowns, and a dragonette all in a 35 gallon tank with no filtering equipment at all?


i don't plan keep them all in their forever, it was only temp. maybe about 2 weeks while i'm getting my tank setup. But that was then. I hate to announce this but they all dead overnight and I don't really think is me. If what ever it is, it should'nt be overnight like that. I think is some kind of crazy disease that kill all the fishes, snails, shrimp, and hermit crabs.