tanked the tv show. cycling?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by rynosreef http:///t/388083/tanked-the-tv-show-cycling/20#post_3425148
i was having this talk with my lss ya (local saltwater store)......they do nothing but saltwater fish and corals. the manager has been in saltwater amost all his life and knows what he is doing. we both were saying that we would like to see a after pic or show of all the tanks 2 or 3 months from the setup date. fish dead, algea blooms and so on and such forth. lol. tanked does build cool tanks but thats as far as they should go.
Perhaps you guys should go to vegas and check some of them out? Didn't you see any of the episodes of some of the pre existing tanks that they already built and went back to service? Such as the one that they added the feeding tube on or the one in the restaurant that they used the faux algae to cover the pvc? When you deal with the amount of livestock on a daily basis that these guys do you're going to have some losses. Just like any of us here and just like fish stores.


Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///t/388083/tanked-the-tv-show-cycling/40#post_3425155
Perhaps you guys should go to vegas and check some of them out? Didn't you see any of the episodes of some of the pre existing tanks that they already built and went back to service? Such as the one that they added the feeding tube on or the one in the restaurant that they used the faux algae to cover the pvc? When you deal with the amount of livestock on a daily basis that these guys do you're going to have some losses. Just like any of us here and just like fish stores.
i will agree with u. i have lost fish. but is there not more to saltwater than just putting alot of fish into a tank. did u see the epsiode where they put the cross in the tank at the church? they had a group of marine biologists there on call 24/7 to ensure the tank is maintained. these people buy there tanks and have them stocked, not knowing what it takes to do the up keep. some of the episodes that they go back to service has what it takes to maintaine them. whether they have someone they pay to do the up keep or they do it there self. in return who ever is doing the up keep must know something and do alot of water changes just to keep them alive until the bio load levels out. would u say i am wrong.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by rynosreef http:///t/388083/tanked-the-tv-show-cycling/40#post_3425165
i will agree with u. i have lost fish. but is there not more to saltwater than just putting alot of fish into a tank. did u see the epsiode where they put the cross in the tank at the church? they had a group of marine biologists there on call 24/7 to ensure the tank is maintained. these people buy there tanks and have them stocked, not knowing what it takes to do the up keep. some of the episodes that they go back to service has what it takes to maintaine them. whether they have someone they pay to do the up keep or they do it there self. in return who ever is doing the up keep must know something and do alot of water changes just to keep them alive until the bio load levels out. would u say i am wrong.
Of corse they know how to maintain them. They probably wouldn't be in business for as long as they have if they didn't. You don't really think that the people who are spending tens of thousands of dollars, or in the case of the church over a million for a set up would really be maintaining them themselves do you? Now I'm sure the people who they set them up for who end up maintaining them themselves are probably in for a rude awakening. But unless we are there to see it for ourselves then it's all just speculation. Granted, I'll give you that there choices for stocking some of these tanks is a bit rediculous as I'm sure they are going for that wow factor for their customers and the show. And of corse who could forget the skateboard ramp tank, I mean really? If I were a fish I'm sure I'd be freaked out every time someone came along out of no where to do a back side fakey tail stall on my house. But I am a bit surprised at the amount of negativity people have fed into over this show. As sad as it may be, it may turn out to be a real benefit for folks like your friend who owns the fish store.


Active Member
i would say on the level they are at .they do not do water changes like we do.i have been at a resteraunt in nashville .forget the name.but the tank is like 10 foot tall 35 foot long and 14 foot deep.i went upstairs and the entire top floor was the maintance room with plumbing out the wassoo.i did not see anywhere that looked like a waterchange tank.


well i agree with u on the skate ramp, i would be scared if i was a fish. i aint saying i dont like the show i watched it when ever it was on. the wow factor is just not the way i would go if i was starting up a tank. they have to know what there doing, to do what they do but what way would u go. throw alot of fish in and get the wow or the long haul. like most of us we dont just throwing fish in a tank. we want whats best for are setup whether its a reef or fish only tank. like a achilles tang u build ur tank around him. we have reasons for what we do. but they i feel just want the money and the wow factor will guarentee that.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by rynosreef http:///t/388083/tanked-the-tv-show-cycling/40#post_3425460
well i agree with u on the skate ramp, i would be scared if i was a fish. i aint saying i dont like the show i watched it when ever it was on. the wow factor is just not the way i would go if i was starting up a tank. they have to know what there doing, to do what they do but what way would u go. throw alot of fish in and get the wow or the long haul. like most of us we dont just throwing fish in a tank. we want whats best for are setup whether its a reef or fish only tank. like a achilles tang u build ur tank around him. we have reasons for what we do. but they i feel just want the money and the wow factor will guarentee that.
Probably right. They're in it for the money. Personally I lost a lot of interest in the show towards the last few episodes. It just wasn't as interesting as I had hoped it would be nor as entertaining as I would have liked. They did say that for next season they are going to take some of the que's from responses that they've gained and try to incorporate more educational aspects into it. Hopefully they do and it becomes more interesting. That way when people do see it they realize there's more to it then filling a tank with water and throwing some fish in. Otherwise I think it's going to lead to a lot of folks who try to get into the hobby quick and wind up disappointed that it didn't work for them and drop out. That's short money right there. However, if they educate a little bit then maybe the people who do try to get into the hobby will do so with the understanding that it is a challenge and will have more success which will lead to more positive things for the industry.
Whether you agree with what you've seen or disagree, I think the approach would be to voice your concerns to animal planet in a diplomatic fashion and hope that they listen and make some changes. Try to educate people where these creatures come from and why it's important to minimize the impact on fish populations in their natural environments by promoting responsible fish keeping. Then maybe we will see some positive things happen.


Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///t/388083/tanked-the-tv-show-cycling/40#post_3425511
Probably right. They're in it for the money. Personally I lost a lot of interest in the show towards the last few episodes. It just wasn't as interesting as I had hoped it would be nor as entertaining as I would have liked. They did say that for next season they are going to take some of the que's from responses that they've gained and try to incorporate more educational aspects into it. Hopefully they do and it becomes more interesting. That way when people do see it they realize there's more to it then filling a tank with water and throwing some fish in. Otherwise I think it's going to lead to a lot of folks who try to get into the hobby quick and wind up disappointed that it didn't work for them and drop out. That's short money right there. However, if they educate a little bit then maybe the people who do try to get into the hobby will do so with the understanding that it is a challenge and will have more success which will lead to more positive things for the industry.
Whether you agree with what you've seen or disagree, I think the approach would be to voice your concerns to animal planet in a diplomatic fashion and hope that they listen and make some changes. Try to educate people where these creatures come from and why it's important to minimize the impact on fish populations in their natural environments by promoting responsible fish keeping. Then maybe we will see some positive things happen.
i couldnt have said it any better!