Originally Posted by
jburgi http:///t/387813/tanked#post_3418686
If you don't drip do you float? Or do you use a different method?
Not to jack the thread, but no. A few mins floating isn't going to equalize a fish's system, and from our experimentation and study, a fish that's been bagged for more than an hour or so is going to be sitting in NH3. However, since the pH in the bagwater drops, the relative NH3 concentrations are less toxic by a good degree. However, once the bag is opened, and the pH rises, that same NH3 becomes several times more toxic.
This is what shipping water vs. tankwater looks like if you test them both for NH3:

But I digress...
I was simply trying to make the point that there are lots of ways to do things, and everyone does what works for them.