Tankmates for my Yellow Tang and two clowns


I was wondering if you guys could help. I have a yellow tang and 2 clowns (percs) in a 135 gallon tank. I had them for three years in there with other fish that had died off over the last 3 years, my water conditions are good nitrates 20 nitrite 0 amo 0 1.021 for sal ph 8.4 and 300 for the alkalinity. Im looking to add a dwarf angel and possible two more tangs to the tank a blue hippo for sure. Any ideas or feedback. thanks in advanced - mike also would i be able t0 get a sailfin tang or will him and the yellow go at it!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by mjm889 http:///forum/thread/380560/tankmates-for-my-yellow-tang-and-two-clowns#post_3312243
I was wondering if you guys could help. I have a yellow tang and 2 clowns (percs) in a 135 gallon tank. I had them for three years in there with other fish that had died off over the last 3 years, my water conditions are good nitrates 20 nitrite 0 amo 0 1.021 for sal ph 8.4 and 300 for the alkalinity. Im looking to add a dwarf angel and possible two more tangs to the tank a blue hippo for sure. Any ideas or feedback. thanks in advanced - mike also would i be able t0 get a sailfin tang or will him and the yellow go at it!

I wouldn't go for another tang. I know your tank seems big but it really isn't. There are lots of fish in the sea, why restrict yourself. A dwarf angel is a good choice...yellow tangs can get mean over territory.
This is a really helpful book in deciding what can go in your tank, I added a page so uyou can see the info it offers.




Active Member
I would be more concerned with the fish you tried in the tank and their causes of death before putting more fish in. Saltwater fish live a long time. Would it be possible to list why they died first?
A tank that size should be be able to handle 10-15 fish depending on their relative size, live rock amounts, and any coral restrictions. There is definitely an order that should reduce any issues you might encounter and time restraints between fish additions to safeguard against disease.
The 2 fish you would like to put in the tank while flashy can be troublesome health wise.
As for adding more tangs I don't think thats out of the question. Just try and pick a variety that is as vastly different than the yellow as possible and monitor both for any issues that may arise.


thanks guys, the fish that died before were over aggression and stress. i had three triggers in the tank that were fine for a year until one day they started to duke it out. add a jewell damsel that was a monster 4inches plus. there were some fights and i couldnt find a home for the triggers in time. i have been just sitting with these guys for the last two months looking to add some more fish in the next month or two. i really like a flame angel but i dont have live rock fake coral only. thanks again for your imput


for info the jewell damsel was removed from the tank and i will never buy another one again!!!!