Tankmates for tangs

We have just recently started a 55 gallon fish only tank. We are, however looking already to a second type of fish to put into the aquarium. We have damsels currently. After our tank cycles and everything is ok and we get some experience we would like to try bigger and brighter fish. We really like the tangs, but we are not sure if the tank will be big enough or what tankmates to put in with the tang. Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!


New Member
I am starting my 150gal in the spring. Here is my colorful mix (so far. I may change my mind AGAIN:> )):
With my Powder blue and possibly a purple tang I will have:
1 foxface
1 flame angel
2 perc. clowns
1 royal gramma
Like you, I will have a fish-only tank, therefore we can have 1" of fish per 2 gals. Unlike reef tanks that should only have 1" per 5-6 gals. To be on the safe side, I'm trying to stay around 1" per 3 (maybe 4) gallons. I will be putting 2 tangs together because of the size of my tank and also they are not of the same genus.
You said you have damsels though, which from my understanding they could limit you from the brightly colored smaller fish.( Tend to be bullies)But keep reading, checking compatibilty charts and you'll get the colorful tank you want too! good luck.


Active Member
If you like the tangs you can keep a blue and a yellow together and then maybe a pair of clowns.They to come in a whole slew of colors and get along with tangs.Most other tang will out grow that size tank.Be careful cause' when damsels get big there known to be aggressive.
thanks for the input. for those of you who replied, would it be better to get rid of the damsels and then start with a new group?? that was our original plan. if so how many large, med, small fish would be comfortable in a 55 gallon??
hey adam...i saw your questions!! I'm excited about geting the new fish!! My question is what can be paired with a volatin lionfish?? I would love to have one of this type fish. Also, can anyone give us any ideas of a fish that comes in the color purple(and I do mean plum purple not blue)??


Active Member
a small tang would be fine in a 55 in my opinion. You just might have to trade it in a little bit. If your ok with trading back ur fish then I'd do that.
Hey jeanne, go to www.petwarehouse.com , click on the live aquaria link, then click the fish link, then select the tangs/surgeons link. after this select the type of tang you like. when the picture of the tang appears there will be a quick stats box that holds a link to a compatibility chart. just match the lion or tang to whatever you want to and you will see the compatibility rating.