Tanks and hardwood floors help


d nizzle

Hello everyone,
I am currently awaiting the arrival of my 125 glln tank, it has been 10 years since I have had a saltwater set up. I just bought a house and it has all hard wood floors, does anyone have any suggestions to what I might have to do to make sure my floor doesn't get ruined? I am not a very mechanical or handy person, but fortunately I live with someone who is and can mcguyver anything. Thank you


Well-Known Member
Set your stand on some heavy duty furniture pads.
If your hardwood floors aren't waxed well, I would go ahead and do it really well over the spot that the tank is going to sit.
Another idea is to modify your stand to where if a sump does overflow, all of the water will be caught in it instead of on the floor.
Another idea is to lay down some padding and lay a pond liner over the surface before you put your stand down.
The goal is to keep the water in the aquarium...
Always have towels handy, and make sure that if you do spill anything, wipe it up as soon as you can.


Set your stand on some heavy duty furniture pads.
If your hardwood floors aren't waxed well, I would go ahead and do it really well over the spot that the tank is going to sit.
Another idea is to modify your stand to where if a sump does overflow, all of the water will be caught in it instead of on the floor.
Another idea is to lay down some padding and lay a pond liner over the surface before you put your stand down.
The goal is to keep the water in the aquarium...
Always have towels handy, and make sure that if you do spill anything, wipe it up as soon as you can.
I've got hardwood under my 55 gl tank, if I do anything major like water changes, I just have towels ready and clean up right away. Tank has been up over a year and no issues with the floors. My 180 is on carpet and I find this is more of a problem with water spills tbh!


I've run several thanx on hardwood over the years, and there's no problem...just clean up spills. Renee (Cranberry) likes to use those "tank mats" when we work on the tanks over hardwood...they're almost a felt-type material, but they're awesome at absorbing spills.
Hardwood will do fine under the tank as long moisture doesn't get trapped underneath the stand.
The real question is are you on a slab or piers? A lot of weight if you are on piers and a floor joist isn't there. On a slab no problem.


to add to the floor joists thought try and set tank where it will run opposite direction of them help from sagging over time


just lay down some tank towels and do your work. stay clean and dry. You shouldnt have any problems.