If you haven't done this yet, you really should!
Last night I looked in my tank with a flashlight around midnight by random chance, and saw the most amazing profusion of little inverts! I've got a small moonlight, but none were visible in that light, but under a strong flashlight, i saw that my rockwork was absolutely TEEMING with life! there were probably hundreds of little millipede-looking guys, tiny shrimp-like guys and fast translucent bugs... VERY cool. They all try to run and hide when the light hits them, and don't come out for awhile afterwards, but I got the distinct impression that there were still other things that were too quick for me to see.
But i was wondering... do i need to feed all these little guys?
Ive only got 4 crabs, a damsel and a LMB, and a branch hammer, purple gorgonian and long-tentacle green plate... I feed the damsel a pinch of flake once a week, and phyto for the corals, but everyone seems happy, even with all those other nocturnal free-loaders... ive had this 29g for about 4 months, and had no idea all those little guys were in there. :thinking:
Last night I looked in my tank with a flashlight around midnight by random chance, and saw the most amazing profusion of little inverts! I've got a small moonlight, but none were visible in that light, but under a strong flashlight, i saw that my rockwork was absolutely TEEMING with life! there were probably hundreds of little millipede-looking guys, tiny shrimp-like guys and fast translucent bugs... VERY cool. They all try to run and hide when the light hits them, and don't come out for awhile afterwards, but I got the distinct impression that there were still other things that were too quick for me to see.
But i was wondering... do i need to feed all these little guys?
Ive only got 4 crabs, a damsel and a LMB, and a branch hammer, purple gorgonian and long-tentacle green plate... I feed the damsel a pinch of flake once a week, and phyto for the corals, but everyone seems happy, even with all those other nocturnal free-loaders... ive had this 29g for about 4 months, and had no idea all those little guys were in there. :thinking: