Tanks without skimmers - LOOK!!

If you have a tank without a skimmer can you let me know how it's doing. I want to start my tank, i know I don't need to use a skimmer while it's cycling but how bad would it be until I can get a skimmer. Also what type of filtration do u use??

aqua blue

Hello disdominican.
I am new to this too. I just set my tank up on 6/23. I have started out without a protien skimmer because I started with a fish only tank and the damsels that I started with are pretty hardy fish. I contiually monitor my water parameters and do water changes every 2 weeks to help keep the nitrate level under control. I also try not to overfeed the fish.
I will eventually add a skimmer. I also plan on adding live rock to my tank.
Almost every post that I have read tells how suprised people were when they saw the amount of trash that their skimmer removed when they first started using them.
I am sure other people with much more knowledge will give you better info. This message board is full of great people with good advice.
Welcome to the hobby. Good Luck and enjoy!


We use the Ecosystem filtration method on our tanks, which specifically says NOT to use a protein skimmer. We love em, so do the fish.
If you don't want to spend the $$$ on an Ecosystem, you can make your own for far less. Its just a multiple chamber sump, with mud, coarse particle filtration, caulerpa, and compact fl. lighting.
fritzwilly - do you have the filter media in the filter. Just wondering cause I've some people say they didnt use the media.


i used the ecosystem for a bit and liked it, almost lost faith in the no skimmer claim then it really kicked in and all was well. i removed it when i removed my ugf and added a sump, with the overflow box just no room for the hangon but i will use it in the future.


New Member
I've only been doing salt water fish for about 6 mos. I converted my 25g freshwater tank that I had running for about three years. I hope this doesn't get me banned from this board, but I run my salt tank same as I ran it when it was freshwater. I have a Penguin BioWheel for filtration, about 1" of crushed coral on the floor, one power head, and the standard light fixture (I did swap the bulb for a 50/50.
There is not much load on the system, I have two clowns, a purple psuedo, a striped damsel, chocolate chip star, a condi, two snails, and two small hermits. I had an urchin but it died, probably because I use tap water for changes. (Am looking at RO filter.) All the fish (except the urchin (I loved that critter) are doing fine, have been for about 6 mos.
Like I said I hope this doesn't get me booted, I know I am doing just about everything wrong, but it works and you asked.


Active Member
I've had my 72g up and running for 6 years now skimmerless. My filtration consist of a DSB, 75lbs of LR, Larg Refigium full of caulerpa and 5% water changes monthly. And all is well.

aqua blue


Originally posted by disdominican
fritzwilly - do you have the filter media in the filter. Just wondering cause I've some people say they didnt use the media.

Yes I am using the sponge and charcol media in my filter. I changed out the charcoal after one month but I left the sponge in to continue to build up the needed bacteria in it. I will continue to change out the charcoal each month unless I learn otherwise.
I too am still new to this, the addiction continues to grow.
thanks guys for the info. I guess I'll start my sw tank asap and as soon as I can get a skimmer I will. I was Just making sure it was possible to go w/out a skimmer.


Do you have a sump or refugieum? My experience, having neither a good skimmer or a sump is: high nitrAtes. Around 40 almost all the time. Tank's been running for about 8 months.
50 gal long. Filtration is primarily DSB (4") and 100lbs LR. Bioload is reasonable. I keep any filter media cleaned out and/or rinsed in saltwater a couple of times a week. I'm religious about water changes.
Good news: no losses. I have a Fish Only Tank w/ Live Rock (FOWLR) and some inverts (shrimp, stars, snails, hermits...).
Bad news: Although my critters *can* live in with semi-high nitrAte present, I'm constantly fretting. They should not live in poison. My only answer is to reduce feeding, build a sump AND (although controversial) add a quality ps.
This CAN be done over time on a budget (as is my case), however, if you want good water conditions, IMO it is an uphill battle w/o proper equipment.
Good Luck